Sunday, February 10, 2013



Sunday February 10, 2013 6:25 am, 11:59 am

I broke over... again ): Evidently I have little willpower whenever it is something I like: last night was my fourth day in a row with a Starbucks grande espresso caramel macchiato, with soy :) However, that really is my last one... at least until my next one. (Lol) I had a friend suggest that I might need some sort of an intervention, perhaps they are right? (I mean who in the world would have thought that forcing steam through ground coffee and then topping that with steamed milk would have been so good... or addicting? Oh wait, probably Siegl, Baldwin and Bowker, to only name three. lol

I took a picture of the evidence against me and I am going to post it. I guess it's true... our sins do find us out :)

I have a two-day hike planned for sometime late in March and then I am repeating something similar a few weeks later. I have to tell you that I am really looking forward to getting away, even if it is just for a short period of time. 

Whatever video I do for today I will upload that one later. In the meantime, I hope all who reads this has a great day!

The next picture I am posting is my little guy chewing on a rawhide treat I had gotten him. I like the way he holds it in his two paws... he's always fun to watch :) The next one is a picture of my new popcorn air-popper I had bought for myself. It is the first time it was used and that's what I had for my late night snack.

The video is of me and Virgil riding back home after dropping Deb off at church. I am on a highway just a couple of miles from our house.