Thursday, January 31, 2013


Thursday January 31, 2013 12:01 pm

It is very cold outside today with light snow flurries. I was by the water's edge earlier and looking for some rocks. I ended up finding five of them between ten and twenty minutes after I recorded my video. There is one in the group that has several small fossils embedded, but it is too large for what I am looking for and that would be a fossil which has a nice shape to it and one that is small enough to set atop a desk and not be in the way. There was one in the group this morning that has potential... at least it is the right size and there is an obviously embedded fossil. However, once I clean it good (it is soaking right now) and polish it up I will better be able to tell if it has enough color to be interesting? If not, I'll keep looking.

I had to break my video down into two parts because I talked longer than I intended. Because of that there could be something missing or even a bit of an overlap, I don't know? I am also including two pictures of one of the rocks I brought home... it is the one that is too big to be considered for my gift. Besides, it doesn't have enough color and it is rather clunky looking. (I took a picture of it from two sides.)

For a long time I would collect and save whatever small and interesting things I came across whenever I was hiking or exploring. I don't really do that much anymore, because I figured there would come a day when I am no longer around and the stuff would get tossed anyway. So, systematically for awhile now I have been giving away things I had around for a long time instead of waiting for another to do that for me. Now whenever I find things I like I give them away to different people instead of keeping them, that is if I think they might like them? The good news is even if they really couldn't care less about some old rock or fossil I found, because they like me they will sometimes feign interest and accept it with a smile :)

That's better than the scenario I imagined might happen once I'm gone. You know, “... Why in the world did he have this box full of rocks?” (Someone asks this question as they are disposing of them in a large trash can.) And the inevitable answer: “Who knows... he was always a few crayons short of a full box anyway.” 

I Hope all who reads this has a great day! And please, for the love of Pete on this wintry day... keep those hands and feet warm :)