Sunday, January 27, 2013


Sunday January 27, 2013 6:52 am & 6:15 pm

Political correctness, (PC) what an absolute joke that liberals (with their odd thinking) has foisted upon America! I am reproducing what I wrote for one of my classes in our week two DB. Our assignment was to give a working definition of ethnocentrism and to write about problems such thinking has caused? (At present there are 20 students, plus professors, teacher assistants, etcetera.) In this class it is part of our weekly work to read what other students have written and to make comments about whether or not we agree with their assessment of the weekly assignment. I have to be honest and tell you that PC has made cowards out of many people: most especially the young? I know what it means when the Bible states that people are like sheep. Many only know how to follow and they never try to take the lead or stand on their own two feet... it's a shame.

Normally what I write is well read, and commented upon. As I type this blog, mine (so far) has been read 27 times... without a single comment. Even though other things I write will have many comments. Do you care to know why? All of the others I read were in lockstep agreement that there is no country, lifestyle, choices, etc. that are better than any other? Hogwash!

So, after reading what was written by some of these students and knowing they are simply repeating what some liberal author or teacher has stated I decided to point out that certain choices, lifestyles, and even countries are “superior” to others.

Keep in mind that whenever I write I am never looking for people to simply agree with me. I actually like it when there are those who don't and then I can engage them to find out why they believe what they do, and see if (with a reasoned argument) they can win any person over to what they believe? Apparently, what I wrote (now reproduced below) made people afraid to agree... or disagree? This is nothing but PC at its worst!

Ethnocentrism is a belief in the superiority of one's own ethnic group. That, of course, is both wrong and infantile. To imagine that simply because of birth, and one's skin color or the fact that a person is either male or female makes someone superior to another is almost laughable... were it not for the fact of the horrors such wrongheaded thinking has caused. Beginning with slavery in America, to Hitler's holocaust of the Jews, to Arab men flying planes into buildings in 2001: those and countless other examples of tragedy abound simply because of the false belief in one's own superiority.

However, to believe that one way of life is more desirable and therefore “superior” is not necessarily wrong. Example: how could any person go to college seeking a degree and yet not believe that a person who is formally educated is not better off than one who isn't? If you do not believe that college education results in a 'superior life', then why are you in college?

To believe that one country is superior to another is, again, not necessarily wrong. Example: why do some countries have to build high fences and place armed guards there to keep people from breeching the fences and breaking in... like North America. However, there are other countries that also build high fences and place armed guards there to keep those fences from being breeched as well. But, it is for an entirely different reason: they are trying to keep their people from breaking out... like North Korea.

It is more than okay to have a sound belief that certain lifestyles and choices are superior to others. It is not okay to out-of-hand condemn those who have either chosen a life, or has had a life thrust upon them that is inferior. I mean, if having a home to live in is not superior than living on the streets, then why doesn't every person who believes that all lifestyles are neutral and none superior... why do those people not quit college, jobs, etcetera, give up all worldly possessions and just live in an alley somewhere?

What is always troublesome to me, especially in an age when many people tiptoe around all issues in the interest of political correctness is that they never seem to take a stand on any issue. Naturally such thinking leads to apathy. Alexander Hamilton famously said, “Those who stand for nothing fall for anything.” (I have never been interested in being a part of that continually 'falling down group' that he spoke about.)

I think in order to help curb the problem with people who take some special pride in how they were born is to simply remind them that all people were created by God. I know it sounds old fashioned to say it, but once it is believed that helps to give respect for all life: white, black, Arab, Jew, guys, girls, babies, (birthed or not) and etcetera.”

I sat for awhile today at the counter of Starbuck's with a grande' mocha light frappuccino
with soy substitute and watched shoppers come and go. I contemplated life in general and I dreamed a dream. You know, sort of like MLK... except, unlike his "dreams" ... my dream was actually an important one :)

Well, it's time I write a three page paper for school, then after that I am going to go to the gym later tonight. I hope everyone has a great night!