Tuesday, January 29, 2013

JUDE 1:12b + VIDEO

Tuesday January 29, 2013 8:50 am & 10:50 am

Two of our three grandsons were given middle names after me. Ethan was given Robin as his middle name (poor guy) and Manny was given as a middle name, Samson. (If you read this blog and know my real name, but other than that don't know me well, the name Samson will probably not be understood as my own? Yet, it was a name given me by my dad when I was about four-years-old and it has stuck with me my whole life. (Except most people just use the abbreviation, “Sam”.)

Everyone in the family always says that of the three grandsons we have that the two with my namesake must have been given that name by some grand design... for of the three boys, those two are the most like me? Seriously, if that is true... I feel badly for them. Yet, even I have to reluctantly admit I do see it.

The other night at Steph and Roger's vow renewal after the service we were in another room where the food was set up and all of the kids were running and playing. At every gathering the kids outnumber the adults by a wide margin and they were all running (literally) laps around the room and having a good time. Manny kept running out of that room to the doors that lead to outside and he wouldn't stop it even though he was repeatedly told to quit by his mom and some other people also. Finally I decided to make him quit so I picked him up and sat him in a folding chair facing me and I kept my hands on his thighs and I wouldn't let move.

He squirmed and begged and struggled with all his might but I kept him there and kept talking to him and explaining why I couldn't let him up. This lasted for at least five minutes as he sat there with tears streaming down his face but he wouldn't give up. All he had to do was promise me that he would stay away from the doors and I would allow him to go play. Instead, he just stared at me and kept blinking trying to make the tears stop and still with every muscle in his small body tight, he kept struggling.

I wanted to laugh but I couldn't let him see that. Because I thought of myself when I was young and in school no matter what any teacher did to me they couldn't make me quit or give in. I realized at that time that he and I had reached a Mexican standoff. I couldn't just let him up because he would know he had won, and in his young mind I am sure he was determined to sit there and struggle either until he could finally break loose or he would completely wear down and fall asleep. Of course, whipping him would be an option... however, as a grandparent I don't want to do that even though all of my girls and their husbands say that it is fine for me to do that. I just figure that part of parenting is for them and not for me.

I had been talking at length during the time I held him so now I stopped talking. Ahhhh, this was something a little different for Manny so he temporarily ceased struggling, but he kept his eyes on mine... with tears still streaming he waited. I decided to be the threatening clouds without water that the Bible speaks about. I told him I was going to let him up to play, but if I saw him even near the door, not through it... just near it, that I was going to do something he really wouldn't like? I then told him to think real hard about things his dad might do as punishment and something he feared. I saw him swallow hard. Then, I nodded a little and told him to think about Grandpa doing the same thing? For several more seconds we looked at each other and then very slowly I let my hands relax from his legs, and he was up and racing toward the other kids.

Every little bit I would see him glance toward me and the door at the same time. I guess he was trying to weigh the fun of running through the door against the possible punishment that might follow? There are only a very small and select group of people in all the world that I never want to tell a lie to... and my grandchildren are part of that group. So, I didn't want to tell Manny that I would whip him when I don't want to do that... so, I just gave him the thought that such a thing was possible for me to do? (Apparently it worked.)

Aaron is more of a gentle boy... Ethan though is rough-and-tumble: yet, he wears his heart on his sleeve. If he loves you he wants you to know it and he says it often. About 20 minutes ago Tammy stopped by to pick Deb up to take her to school. For the most part Tammy home-schools her children, but two days a week she takes them to classes at the school.

I stepped out on the stoop this morning to see them off and Aaron had gotten out of the van to let Deb in and he threw his hand up and said, “Hey Grandpa.” I smiled and said hello to him. On the street side I heard the van door fly open and Ethan's head shot above the roof as he was standing on the running board and he shouted, "Hey Grandpa... I love you!” I smiled and told him that I loved him also. I watched them until they were out of sight and I thought that I guess none of us can really help who we are?

He can be so headstrong and he does ornery things and he gets into more trouble than the rest of the kids combined, but if he loves you he lets you know it. As they left this morning I thought that down the line somewhere he might have great heartbreak? Because I have noticed that even young as he is, he uses those words sparingly and only for certain people. However, at some point in his life he will give his whole heart to a girl and he will find that (apparently) with certain types of personalities, once that is done... there is no way to ever take it back. (I can only pray that he will find his love returned.)

I will upload whatever video I take after I get back from work tonight. If it is after the gym also, then it will be very late. I hope everyone has a great day!!!

(I was able to record during my car ride this morning... so, I am uploading it now.)