Wednesday, February 06, 2013


Wednesday February 6, 2013 6:01 am & 1:37 pm

Eighty days and counting!!! I have a trip coming up that I am so very much looking forward to: among other things I am going to do some hiking. I thought I would use this morning's blog just to give a brief update on some things I am wanting to do in the near future and to write about any specific progress I am making toward some of my goals and to write about a few other things.

Not counting today I am 37 days into practicing vegan for my food choices and I have dropped 20 pounds in weight. So, I am getting back to close to where I was before... but, I plan on dropping a lot more than I have done in the past and because of that I still have a long way to go but I believe I will get there in time for my planned hike.

As of this date I still have not heard from the place where I work so I can know if I have been approved for my time-off request? So, I guess depending on their answer I might have to change that date anyway? But, I am praying that nothing changes :)

As I was calculating certain dates and times I thought of another one: 8,424 days and counting... but I don't like that one ):

A week ago I was looking for some fossils and I found several that I have been soaking in a solution that I make in order to help clean them. Now that a week has passed I will (sometime later today) take them out and clean them up with an old toothbrush and see if any of them have potential for what I was wanting to use them for? If not, I will probably return them to the area I first found them to see if anyone else might like them better? (There was a time I would have just kept them for my collection but I am not doing much of that anymore.)

I hope all of my friend(s) and loved one(s) have a great day today! Mostly today I suppose I will work on things for school and in between posts and assignments I will try and work out a little here at home. Hopefully this evening I can get to the gym for awhile also. Whatever it is that I find to video today I will upload that later.

I thought on this cold morning I would leave everyone with a couple of great poems to warm the heart! I hope everyone has a great day today!!!!!!!

May our friendship last forever;
May I sail upon your sea.
May we go through life together;
May there always be a “we.”
May I be your endless sky;
May you breathe my gentle air.
May you never wonder why
Each time you look for me, I'm there.
May we be for each a smile
Like the warm, life-giving sun;
Yet when we're in pain awhile,
May our suffering be one.
May we share our special days,
The happiness of one for two;
And if we must go separate ways,
Let my love remain with you.

The above poem is beautiful... but I am not certain who is the author: perhaps – eagleluv?

Then, I have still yet one more to record for this blog.

Friendship Of The Souls

Have you ever felt like you knew someone a long, long time ago?
Another place, another time, a friendship of the souls?
Two people who share a bond for reasons neither know,
A feeling that they were friends, a long, long time ago?

Did they stumble onto each other by pure circumstance,
Or was it fate and destiny that played a certain hand?
Two souls intertwined, they are worlds apart,
But the soul, it knows no difference, in matters of the heart.

Somehow they are drawn together, fate has brought them back,
Each living worlds apart, they journey separate paths.
When this life is over, and a new life begins,
Their souls will find each other, two souls that we call friends.

Lisa Teller

(Honestly, if your heart can't be warmed or touched by those two poems... I'm not sure anything could reach you?)