Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Tuesday February 19, 2013 8:08 am, 8:19 pm

I was thinking this morning when I awoke that I have never yet found a church that actually follows the Bible and its rather clear teachings. Even though all I have attended, and (or) been a member claim to do just that. I have been a member of one Bible church, and three Baptist churches and all four of them are KJV only. And all four claim to follow only that Book's teachings. Yet, whenever any person reads the church's constitution and their bylaws, (or follows what is being practiced within the church) every one of them have either added many of their own traditions, which have no Biblical support or they have ignored many Bible verses in order to appoint or use men within their ministry: this is more than disappointing. I wish for once a pastor would at least have the courage or the decency to admit that their church is not necessarily Scriptural, but that is how they have chosen to operate it. That, even though I would disagree I could accept... but to do it as all of them I know have done, is reprehensible!

I am well aware that because all men are sinners, and there is none good... no not one (Romans 3:10) that from every pastor to all people within the congregation the very best that can be said is that people are sinners saved by the grace of God. You are either a lost sinner or a saved sinner, I get that. My pastor and yours... are just sinful men. I have no problem there at all. Why though isn't one of them decent enough to admit that they have an UN-scriptural church and (or) practices within that church.

If you are reading this and are a member of a church who does not hold the Bible up as final authority in all matters within the church... then this blog would not be for you, and I have no argument with you at all.

I am only wanting to take to task those men, especially the four who I have called “Pastor” who claim to hang on every word of the Bible, yet when they are setting forth “their own rules” for service they either add to what the Bible declares are qualifications or they ignore verses which would completely disqualify certain others they have chosen for service. Please, some (supposed) “man of God” finally show a little courage and admit that your church, many times is nothing more or nothing less than a social club set up with its own set of bylaws created by sinful men who have ignored clear Bible teaching!

Basically I have quit debating with people. Other than sometimes the fun I have with some of the classes I am taking with my on line college courses and certain very liberal professors who teach there. However, for this one last time I am going to change that. Because of emails I receive I know that I still have those men who I have known as “Pastor” who reads this blog. Though I respect all of you... I am in a sense calling you out to Biblically defend your position. Here is how I would like to do it, if you have another idea other than what I am suggesting I would be open to that as well.

Because you and I say that we both believe the Bible... that would be the only thing which would be permitted at our debate which we could discuss. That's it, an open debate before the church with two men who state they believe the KJV Bible to be the very Word of God, and is the final authority in all matters within the church!

Now, don't you think this is a pretty simple invitation in order for the church to be able to clearly see if the constitution and bylaws which have been adopted by the church are actually Biblical or not? I am more than willing to “contend for the faith” and to defend my position using the Book I believe to be the Word of God. I do not need to bring to the debate a Greek Lexicon, or a concordance or words that some other man has said about the Bible... how about you? 

Remember, all of you have publicly stated that the words (in English) found within the beloved KJV are GOD'S WORDS!!! Then, don't you think it's high-time to find out if the church you pastor is actually heeding those words? Or would you rather continue following the “traditions of men” even if those traditions have falsely added or have taken away from clear Bible teaching. If any of you agree to this I would be willing to pay half for a local radio show, if that's how you would choose to debate or within any local congregation would be acceptable to me as well.

I will say this one last thing and then I will be done with this. Knowing that you do read my posts, your silence in this matter will speak volumes about your position on many issues and your reluctance to follow only the Bible instead of your church's un-scriptural bylaws!

Just to give you an idea of some of what I am writing about I have at least five issues I would like to discuss in an open debate before the church. (Although I would be more than happy to discuss any other topics as well.) 

The practice of Scriptural baptism as found in the Book of Acts. 

The consumption of wine or strong drink, in both Testaments. 

The Biblical qualifications for bishop and deacon.

Tithing, both Old and New Testament.

Personal separation.

Please keep in mind the following truth. If you do actually believe the Bible to be the final say in all matters within the church? Then, as a pastor of a New Testament church your only right to exist and hold service would be what is found within the pages of that Book. Do you not agree? Of course, if you don't agree with that assessment then the debate ends before it starts, because you have already admitted that you will also hold to traditions passed down by other men. Of course, if that's how you choose to pastor keep in mind that Christ already condemned you along with many other pharisees when He said, "... Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition." (Mark 7:9b)  

I think I am just weary... tired of listening to men hold up the KJV and state unequivocally that the Book in their hand is the Word of God, then by their own bylaws and practices within the church they completely ignore it!

Honestly, I think ever since I have been saved I have been like Diogenes, carrying a lamp in the daylight while only searching for an honest man. Look pastors... I know you are sinners, we all are, and I am not expecting anything more out of you than I am any other man: honestly, I am not. However, I do expect either adherence to the Bible, or at the very least admit that certain teachings in that Book you will not follow. (At least that I could respect.)

I await your call or another of your emails. As one man only wanting truth, to another man who says that is all he wants also... let's do this, and soon!

Whatever video I record for the day I will upload that this evening once I am in from work. I hope all who reads this has a great day!