Monday, December 30, 2013


Monday December 30, 2013 12:04 pm

I'm leaving for work in a few minutes with a brief stop along the way at the post office, and I just wanted to wish anyone reading this blog to have a good day. Even though yesterday was a work day for me I had a really nice day! It's funny how seemingly just the small things in life that most take for granted can (for me) turn an otherwise ordinary day into an extraordinary day... and that's what happened for me yesterday!!!!!!!

Tomorrow after work I am going to a local spot in Louisville, Kentucky to ring in the New Year. (I will be going to a place called Fourth Street Live.)

Sometimes I think because of the life I've lived I don't deserve to feel as good as I do today: nonetheless, because they don't happen for me that often anymore I will happily take it... I feel great!!!!!!!