Tuesday, October 02, 2012


Tuesday October 2, 2012 5:27 pm

This has to be really hush-hush... else, everyone will be wanting to do it. Are you familiar with space-time travel... well here is my idea. In 1905 Einstein developed his special theory of relativity and because of that he theorized that there is a four dimensional “fabric” known as space-time. And from that he would later postulate his most famous theory E=mc2. Because of pioneering work by Carol Allie (and others) there have been demonstrable tests to actually prove that time travel is a possibility.

Now, I wouldn't even be considering this right now except I am up against a hard date (October 3, 1973) and I have to reach a poor ignorant boy and tell him something vital before 7:30 am on that Wednesday morning. I know it might be sort of hard to get your mind around this at first... but 39 years ago at this same time (Tuesday October 2, 1973 4:45 pm) this catastrophic event would not have yet happened... and I must warn him before it's forever too late!

He really wasn't a bad kid... just impulsive and stupid and left on his own a lot he made some bad decisions: but, maybe it isn't too late to warn him? By the way, if you are reading this and you know someone who has such a time-machine you can tell them I will give any price they are asking. In fact, I already have figured out how I am going to pay for it. I know who won the Super-bowl for that year and I am going to have him round up all the money he has set aside from driving a truck for Empire Foods, and I am going to have him bet it all on that game. Then, with his earnings I am going to instruct him to drive to Harvard and introduce himself to a young unknown college kid name Bill Gates. Forget Paul Allen... I am going to have this young guy who needs to be warned to bankroll this young genius to get him off the ground.

In addition, I will have a pocketful of winning lottery numbers from history... which will yet be this poor unfortunate boy's future (try to keep up... okay?) and he will win several of those in his lifetime along with a couple of Ky Derby winners just for fun (: Anyway... when the smoke clears and all is said and done and this boy arrives into the present time... he should be worth maybe, I don't know: a bazillion-gazillion dollars and then he will be able to pay whatever the asking price is for the time machine he used to travel back in order to make his fortune for the present... got it? Good!

Look, please help me. We have had enough dates that are seared into the conscious minds of every living person! We need no more! August 26, 1883 … April 18, 1906 … December 7, 1941 … December 26, 2004 … September 11, 2001 … and of course, Wednesday October 3, 1973! But, there is still “time” to change that last one, I just need a little help.

I know space travel and time machines exist because I have seen several Hollywood movies where people are regularly traversing the space-time continuum in one direction or another. I mean, c'mon... Hollywood doesn't lie... does it? I would be so disappointed if I can not go back in time and warn him (:

Even now, 39 years ago at this exact time he would have been driving to Marietta for one more look, before leaving on a life-changing event. Maybe, if I went back now I could be dropped of on Hwy 7 and I would simply stick my thumb out... he never passed anyone up.

Well, I have to go as I'll be anxiously awaiting an email telling me where to go and what to do to take my trip... I can hardly wait. I even just got a windfall and a start to pay for the time-machine. From the other room I heard Deb call out and ask if we were expecting money from the I.R.S. as she had collected the mail and could see through the plastic window and she saw it was a check. I opened it... TWO WHOLE DOLLARS! Seriously... I must have overpaid?

One more thing... if you need anything changed in your own past... write to me quickly before I take off, and I'll see what I can do to help you out as well (: