Saturday, December 01, 2012


Saturday December 1, 2012 6:31 pm

I make all these plans... the problem though is that I only have "ideas" and not always the necessary ability to bring some of my ideas to fruition: therefore I have to rely on someone else's help? That's okay, I suppose, as long as once they agree to do something they follow through?

Anyway, I guess even if I have no talent I can be somewhat resourceful... and yesterday I figured out a back-up plan. I remembered a particular talent my youngest daughter had displayed when she was in 7th or 8th grade and I called on her with a bribe (:

Do something for me and we will take the kids off of your hands for a few hours and feed them pizza. lol Even now as I am typing they have finished eating and drinking and I can hear cartoons playing on the set in the play room... and their mom is doing something for me.

After I picked them up I had them sit in front of the tree and I took their picture.


There are many things in my life that makes me sad and sometimes completely fills me with regret... but always and forevermore, the girls and all 13 grandchildren are always an exception!

Our oldest daughter turned 38 years-old today... time flies!!!

I hope everyone has a great and fun Saturday night (: