Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Tuesday November 27, 2012 7:43 pm

Unlike yesterday, this question is for anyone to answer. First though, I'll tell you what made me want to ask it. Today, as I do many times, while at work and on my lunch hour I go to my car and listen to music.

Sometime during my lunch I laid my head back on the head rest and I FELL ASLEEP! Now, I wasn't out very long because when I awoke I looked at the dashboard clock and only twenty minutes had passed since the last time I had checked the time. Anyway, here is my question. I suppose you might not be able to answer it unless you also have trouble falling asleep at the times you are supposed to? So, maybe I ought to ask it of any or all insomniacs? "Why can I apparently fall asleep in the middle of an afternoon... without even trying: and yet I lay awake in my bed tossing and turning when I should be sleeping?"

I did hear a really nice song while in my car today. After I got home I checked for it Online because I wanted to read the words and I learned it has been out for awhile. I liked all of it really, but there was one line I liked more than any other... and I'm not even sure why? The line I really liked is: "I think it's strange you think I'm funny cause he never did." (Probably I am one of the last people on Earth who had not heard it... but if you haven't, it's called Begin Again.)

I hope everyone who reads this has a great night!