Sunday, November 25, 2012


Sunday November 25, 2012 1:21 pm

This morning at Sunday School E decided to eat a little healthier, as during the Thanksgiving holiday (apparently) she was eating things she shouldn't? That might all be well and good... but why is she eating off of a coffee filter instead of a plate? Now I know for sure E is a girl because she is impossible to figure out!

After that, she was on to teen class where she told a fairly funny joke... however, it seemed that only the boys really appreciated it? Here was the joke E told. "It is a fact that a girl will always forgive and forget... but, it is also a fact that she will never let you forget that she has forgiven and forgotten!" You can tell by the crossed arms of the girl on the right... she didn't think it was all that funny (:

The next one though is where her willful attitude might end up getting me into trouble? It is the main service and Tammy is upfront and singing and because of that I was wanting to take a picture. E is crazy about the camera and she must have known my intent, and before I could stop her she is on the top of the head of the young girl directly in front of me! (I suppose I have many things to be thankful for this holiday season, but one of them must surely be that she was wearing a hat. Imagine the ruckus that might have ensued if all of a sudden a parishioner felt something in their hair?)

After I had snapped the picture and I "very carefully" retrieved E I noticed that the two very old ladies who were at the opposite end of my pew were looking at each other with their brows knit together. I waited until I caught their eye and I sort of shrugged my shoulders and grinned and showed what I hoped was an expression of, "... girls... what are you going to do with them?" I'm not sure why, but both of them immediately turned away from me.

I guess that's what I mean, regardless of age... I just can never figure girls out (: