Friday, March 29, 2013


Friday March 29, 2013 8:13 am, 10:21 pm

To my friend(s) and those I love most... "Good morning." Now, onto other business.

Back to work! Now that is a dreaded set of only three short words!!! I thought maybe this morning I would tell everyone a joke, I'm not sure if it will make you feel any better, but it might work for me?

Now, this joke works well either way: in other words the person buying the lamp can be either male or female. So that none reading this might imagine I have an agenda... I have made my buyer a woman. lol

A lady found a lamp in an antique store and it was pretty but a lot of grime had collected on it over the years so as soon as she got home with it she started polishing it up. No sooner had she begun then smoke started rolling out of the top and in just a few seconds a large Genie stood before her. Graciously he bowed and told her that for freeing him from his imprisonment, he would grant her three wishes. However, he needed to know one thing before they began. He asked, “Are you married?”

She said, “Yes I am, is that a problem?” The Genie explained that it was not but she needed to be aware of one thing. Every wish she asked for he would grant... but, at the same time her wish was being fulfilled her spouse would get the very same thing and ten times over!

“Okay,” she said, “I'm ready to begin.” The first thing she asked was to be the wealthiest woman in the world. The Genie reminded her again that if she had this wish fulfilled that her husband would receive ten times as much. She thought about it for a second and said that it was fine because he still wouldn't leave her because she would still be the wealthiest woman in the world. Just like that “poof” she was now the wealthiest woman in the world, and her husband received ten fold what she had just gotten.

For her second wish she asked to be the most beautiful woman in the world. Again she was told that could be easily done, but her husband would receive the same thing ten times over. That was fine by her because once again, as the most beautiful woman in the world who else could he turn to? “Poof” just like that her wish was granted and her husband received ten fold.

“Now Madam, your final wish please,” said the Genie.

The woman thought for just a second before saying, “Could I have a mild heart attack please?” HAHAHAHAHA

Whatever video I record for the day I will upload it tonight.

When I pulled into my work lot this morning I saw this little guy all by himself in a big lot just walking around. Do you suppose he took a wrong turn somewhere?

This last video I actually recorded yesterday. Stella was all about driving a sleeping cat off of her dog bed. After the cat finally fled the room... she went over and lay down on her bed. This had already gone on for a minute or two before I realized what was happening and I could set my phone up to record.

All the while the cat was sleeping and Stella was getting ready to pounce... Virgil was sweetly sleeping on the couch.