Thursday, March 28, 2013


Thursday March 28, 2013 7:31 am, 5:04 pm

I slept most of the night through, except for having to get up a couple of times to let Virgil and Stella outside. I know I dreamed last night but I can't seem to recall any of it. Have you ever been trying to remember something and you know it's right there... just at the edge of your recall, but you can't retrieve it? Well, that's how it is for me this morning as I'm trying to remember what I dreamed. 

Recently I had a friend interpret something I dreamed and since then I have been trying to remember my dreams so I can check them out... but so far no luck in remembering them.

After I finish this blog I need to shave, shower, and get dressed as later this morning I will be driving some students from our Christian school on a short road trip. I don't have to leave the house until after 10:00 this morning so after I am dressed I will probably take one of my short tests for school and that will only leave two others for me and then I will be done for another week. Beginning Monday I am down to six weeks of school left and then I will be done until the fall semester.

Tomorrow I go back to work, ugh! I suppose I ought to be more grateful as in a day when jobs are hard to come by I have one that is decent. So, in that respect I am... it is just that I (like many other people) have become tired of working.

Probably on the train today I will record my video and I will add it to this blog once I get home later today. Alright, I have some questions for everyone :)

Have you ever watched Let's Make A Deal? Are you a safe person, or an adventurous one? If a person has won a nice prize on that show already and then they are given the chance to give up that prize for another that is behind a curtain... do you root for them to keep what they've got, or risk it all for the grand prize? I'm confident that I will never be on that show to make such a decision... but this morning as I was thinking about life and different things I know what I would do.

Before I finish this, I thought I would include a famous quote about love by Lord Tennyson... one that I am sure is familiar to all. You know, “Tis better to have loved and lost, than blah blah blah blah blah...” Yep that one. I'm sorry, but this morning I wasn't up to finishing that one. Instead, I thought I would include one from that famous muse Shakespeare. While it is true I understand and agree with both poets, I think this one rings truer for me today. “The course of true love never did run smooth.”

I was going to “tell” everyone to have a great day today, then I thought of something on a comedy show I saw recently and I decided to paraphrase one of the characters on that show. “I know that if you are not already having a great day... then me telling you to have a great day, will not cause you to have a great day.” (lol) Even knowing that's true, I'm going to say it anyway, Have a great day everyone! And most especially to my cherished loved one(s).