The last 120 days of web logs are in the archive section under the headings: America the Beautiful, America the Great, Americana... the way it should be, and Hope for America.
07/21/2008 7:37 a.m.
I'll give you just a couple of examples: The Boston Archdiocese (in a written statement) estimated its wealth at 635,000,000 million dollars, and only one-percent of that wealth is liability. Now, consider the fact that at the same time this statement was released there were 28 archdiocese and 122 dioceses in America alone, and many of them have holdings greater than the diocese in Boston. Consider also that the catholic church is second only to the United States of America in annual purchases. The pope speaking against "materialism" is as big an affront as Teddy Kennedy would be if he was teaching a lifeguard course to children at the YMCA, or Bill Clinton speaking to teens about the need for sexual purity and fidelity.
Today in this world we need a prophet like Nathan to point a finger in the face of the pope, as he supposedly decries materialism, and say, "Thou art the man!" I have a suggestion for the pope, if he is really interested in getting rid of materialism. Melt down all of the solid gold religious icons that are in your churches... and are an affront to God in the first place, and sell that gold and use the money to feed and clothe poor people.
Nearly 15 years ago a great book , "A Woman Rides the Beast" was written by Dave Hunt. Any serious student of the Bible ought to buy a copy and read it. If you do that, then you will understand why the pope will ask others to spurn "materialism," yet, as the leader of the Roman Catholic Church he would never consider such an altruistic goal for himself or "his church." (Robin L. Johnson)
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07/22/2008 1:45 a.m.
(ONE-HUNDRED-TWENTY-TWO) Though I was never a huge fan anyway, I have found another reason to dislike the actor, Sean Connery. Of course I admit that I am on the outside looking in, but from what the press is reporting it sounds like the old man, Sean, is wanting the credit for what his son has accomplished, else he will cut him out of his will.
To me it just sounds like another case of an old man being jealous of his own offspring. To his credit, Jason, Sean's son, has went so far as willing to change his last name in order to prove that he can get directing and acting jobs on his own merit... even without his father's famous last name.
Normally I would not waste my time writing about some mutt in Hollywood, but this one is different in that it goes to parenting, or the lack thereof. Let me ask every mother and father reading this a question: At what age does your child stop being your child? If you have any understanding about what it actually means to be a parent, the question ought to be easy to answer. Although your children might be adults, they are still your children!
For me this case seems to be about the swollen ego of Sean Connery and his attempt to control his financial worth beyond his death. I have some advice for him... let it go, it will not help him where he is headed. Besides, it is the duty of every parent to provide any way they can for their children.
I am not implying that if you are financially well-off that you should not teach your children the value of work and responsibility. Otherwise you might end up with trust-fund children who will lead lives of extravagance and self-indulgence: Teddy Kennedy immediately comes to mind. Joe did not do that boy any favors. But, it is never right to abdicate your responsibility as a parent to help your children. (Robin L. Johnson)
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07/23/2008 9:45 a.m.
(ONE-HUNDRED-TWENTY-THREE) I want to show an obvious difference between comments made by two different liberals when they thought they were not being recorded and one conservative.
The first liberal was Obama, and when he thought no one was recording he said that Americans only "cling" to God and guns because they can no longer trust their government to provide and care for them. That comment alone ought to send him, and his elitist views, to the dustbin of liberal history.
The other liberal was Jesse Jackson and when he thought no one was recording he referred to his own people as "niggers." Jackson, though, has already been discredited so many times that he is no longer anymore than a second-tier news story. And that is as it should be.
The conservative speaker who recently said things when he thought no one was recording was President Bush. And his comments were still dead-on and 100% correct. The stock market and wall street has been "drunk" and most of its problems has been brought on by bad investments.
The two liberals had to obfuscate and try to say they didn't really mean what they said. Bush though, a conservative, should be able to shout his comments from a rooftop... no apology needed. That is just another shining difference between liberals and conservatives... say what you mean, regardless who might be listening! (Robin L. Johnson)
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07/24/2008 10:30 p.m.
(ONE-HUNDRED-TWENTY-FOUR) I would like to do a simple survey for today's blog. I am writing another book and this is causing me to do a lot of research in order to be as accurate as I can be. This particular book is not a fictional account and this makes it especially daunting to be sure that all of my facts are correct, before they are put into print.
The part of the book I am in right now has to do with employment: and that brings me to my survey. I would like every reader of this blog to email me and answer the following question I am posing. "How many jobs in your lifetime, so far, have you held?"
I am trying to get an average number and I will take into account your age. All I need is for you to email me with the following information: gender... age... and number of jobs. I thank you beforehand for your help in gathering this type of information.
When I finish my latest book and get it published, I will blog and tell you how I was able to use the information you gave me. (Robin L. Johnson)
You can always email me at
07/25/2008 7:40 a.m.
(ONE-HUNDRED-TWENTY-FIVE) I want to talk about two, seemingly unrelated stories and show how they are actually related. The first story is that the downturn in our economy, "affects women more than men."
The other story is that of Scott Storch, who is a hip-hop music producer and less than a year ago he had an estimated net worth of 70 million dollars. Today his home is in foreclosure and he already had his Ferrari and a prized motorcycle repossessed.
The first story talks about the fact that whenever there is an inordinate amount of job layoffs, the first ones to go are usually the women. Of course, as usual Congress wants to know the reason for this. And, as usual, the Democrat controlled Congress with the worst approval numbers in the history of the United States of America are completely missing the bigger story.
Why did women, during the 1950's start going (in large numbers) to the work force? Before I give the one word answer to the reason, let me also say that when this happened it was a great detriment to the American family. The only reason women gave up their family to have a "career" was... greed! And I don't just mean that they were the only greedy person in the family, their husbands might well have been complicit.
Many American families, then and now, traded in the happiness and well-being of their own children for a bigger house, nicer furniture, and fancier cars... and of course, not one of those things are needed to have a happy family. And the irony is now that we are in a supposed "downturn," people who have already lost their children to surrogate caregivers, are also losing what they never needed in the first place... "bigger house, nicer furniture, and fancier cars."
And of course, the idiot Storch well deserves to lose what he has. If you have 70 million dollars and you still live beyond your means, then you are far too stupid to be allowed to keep what you bought. Again, the underlying factor that ties the two stories together is found in one five-letter word: greed. (Robin L. Johnson)
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07/26/2008 8:30 a.m.
(ONE-HUNDRED-TWENTY-SIX) I want to make an observation about a story where a lawsuit was brought by an old man against a hospital because he was hit with a Taser gun. Actually I am not interested in the story, let alone who was right, the guards or the old guy: in fact, my comments will have almost nothing to do with the story itself; I just want to show how news people will bias a story with only the headline.
Here is the headline: Grandpa Sues Hospital Over Tasering. Let me ask you a question. If you are seeing this for the first time, what is your initial reaction of who is right or wrong: even without reading the story: Grandpa, or hospital? If you're honest in your answer, you probably already formed an opinion and you are leaning toward "the poor old grandpa all alone against the big bad hospital."
And all because the reporter tried to slant the story by putting "grandpa" in the headline. Let me show you another headline and I will also be factual but I will not try to bias the reader, and I am only leaving out one word: 66 Year Old Man Sues Hospital Over Tasering. Now, both headlines are factual and speaking about the same person and incident. However, if you were reading that one, instead of the one with the poor old "grandpa" in it, you might not be so quick to form an opinion about who is right, before you ever know the facts of the story.
After all, you might even know of a 66 year old man who is as mean as a snake and probably ought to be tasered every day. Now, from the headline of the actual paper... I bet I can form an accurate opinion of the reporter, and I am willing to place a bet on it.
Do some research and I am willing to bet, without knowing anymore than the headline, that the reporter is a liberal and he, or she, is against the use of tasers in general. Anyone care to take me up on that?
I just wanted to point out that for the astute reader, you can glean a lot of information from the bias of any reporter by reading nothing more than the headline of the article. To prove my point, the next time you get ready to read a story about McCain or Obama, read only the headline and in most cases you ought to be able to easily tell which camp the reporter is in: before you ever read the story that follows. (Robin L. Johnson)
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07/27/2008 8:15 a.m.
(ONE-HUNDRED-TWENTY-SEVEN) First of all I would like to say "happy birthday" to another of our grandchildren today. Today it is Morgan and in four days it will be Rachel, and sandwiched between will be Bob, one of our three Sons-in-law. After church today we will all gather together and have a birthday party. Families are fun! Now, on with the blog.
Joel Osteen is a fraud. Of course that is no surprise for anyone who is an honest student of the Bible. But, I want to show in today's blog that his "feel good" message and its apparent popularity and resonance with certain groups in society is exactly why Obama is also popular with certain groups in society.
Both Osteen and Obama, one using the Bible to deceive and the other using politics to deceive, have grown rich off the backs of their dupes. And the funniest thing about it is that they have exactly the same message!
It is a rather silly, plaintive, bleating, message that was copied from Rodney King: "Can't we just get along?" Rodney King was continually getting drunk from too much alcohol, and Osteen and Obama (using Rodney's message) have gotten "drunk" on money and power, respectively.
It is their blind, stupid, sheep that follow them around and hangs on their every word that gives their "power" to them. But, keep in mind that neither of these men speak to deep thoughts or ideas. They are continually repeating the same silly theme, "Let's feel good about ourselves and get along with everybody else." If you doubt that just listen for five minutes to any of Osteen's speeches or any of Obama's speeches from his recent trip overseas.
You could put these two men in a large bag, shake it up and let only one fall out... now close your eyes and listen to them speak... and you could not tell which skunk it was that fell out of the bag and is speaking. Evidently both of these men owe a great deal to the drunkard Rodney King for learning their main message from him. (Robin L. Johnson)
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07/28/2008 10:30 p.m.
(ONE-HUNDRED-TWENTY-EIGHT) Although Jim Adkisson might have a point about hating the liberal movement, he sure went about things the wrong way when he decided to shoot up a "church." I use the word church in the loosest way possible, a group of unitarian universalists, has to be the most liberal group of people to ever band together and call themselves "believers."
They are an affront to everything holy and anything that has to do with God. However, they ought to be left to their own devices and when they die, let the Lord have His wrath upon them. I have read a lot of salvation stories, and many of them are people who had sordid pasts and were terrible sinners, yet, I have never read of any person who is steeped in the liberal philosophy of the unitarian/universalist movement... ever come to Christ.
The worst part about this whole sorry mess and what happened with the shooting is that you read there were a lot of little children in that building putting on a play. That means a lot of liberal parents raising their children to believe the damnable lies of that movement, and they most probably will grow up and never hear the true Gospel of Christ.
It is the same problem I have with Scientology and all other false cults. If the adults choose to believe lies and allow their souls to be damned, that is one thing: but to raise their precious little children to follow them to Hell is unconscionable! (Robin L. Johnson)
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07/29/2008 6:40 p.m.
(ONE-HUNDRED-TWENTY-NINE) Raise your hands if you are as tired of certain segments in society as I am? And what is amazing is how many, supposedly intelligent people rush to defend some of these people whenever they express their patently silly arguments.
Case in point is some "rapper" who I've never heard of, Nas. Not that it should be surprising that I have never heard of him, I don't follow this type of music? I agree with the comedian who said that when they were naming this noise they left off the letter "C." C + rap = CRAP!
The reason this guy is in the news is some comments he made about Fox News. The ignorant remarks he made is not the reason I am writing. I am writing to try and get people to ask themselves why they even listen to the opinion of some lowlife like this Nas, who makes his living using foul language and harming young kids whose parents have abdicated their role in raising their own children.
Not only is the "music" he plays nothing more than noise, most of it is full of curse words and vulgar themes. It is more than time that someone stands up and points out the obvious. In music or speech, the continual use of dirty and vulgar words are always a sign of low intelligence. Think about it, whenever people are even moderately intelligent they have at their command enough of a vocabulary that they do not have to resort to foul language. However, if someone is not very bright, they use these filler words to pepper their conversation with because they can not carry on a lengthy conversation without this crutch. Do yourself and your family a favor: turn him, and the supposed music he plays, off. (Robin L. Johnson)
You can always email me at
07/30/2008 10:35 p.m.
(ONE-HUNDRED-THIRTY) I suppose it is a sign of the times, but there is another "addiction" out there that a lot of people might have never even heard of. EMAIL ADDICTION! No kidding, there are some groups that actually track this sort of thing.
According to one of these groups, email "addiction" has increased by more than 15% since only one year ago. Thankfully, I must not fall into the group of people who are addicted. This article lists seven signs and I do none of them. A few are, check work email at home, check personal email at church, choose vacation spots with access to email, etcetera.
Although I enjoy computers and am still amazed by how quick they are and how easy it is to communicate with people anywhere in the world... I can still take or leave computers, and email accounts.
Rather than email, I enjoy other and more sensible addictions, for example: chocolate candy and iced tea. I always end my blogs with my email address and encourage interested parties to write, this evening I will not do that, just in case an addicted person is reading this and might feel it necessary to write. So, just for today... you can have a break from your addiction. LOL (Robin L. Johnson)
07/31/2008 8:30 a.m.
(ONE-HUNDRED-THIRTY-ONE) I want to briefly talk this morning about a very dangerous bad habit. This particular "habit" was the main culprit in the early death of both of my parents at age 59. Of course I am talking about smoking cigarettes. In most cases, at least as far as our government is concerned, I would hold closer to Libertarian views: almost always I am for less and smaller government and interference. Although, when it comes to smoking they need to do more in stopping this practice.
First of all, try (if you can) to count the human loss and suffering because of deaths attributable to cancer caused by cigarettes. A simple test would be to place the same value on an American life as the government does, nearly seven million dollars, and then multiply that by Americans killed each year by cigarettes. It is an astounding dollar figure!
Now let's look at another cost shouldered by American taxpayers because of careless smokers. Read the paper and daily you will see of house fires and fatalities caused by smokers. In our area about a year ago I remember where ten people (several of them were children) perished in a fire caused by a smoldering cigarette.
Check government records and see how many forest fires that consume whole forests were started by careless smokers. Today there is a story where a nuclear submarine was damaged to the tune of 70 million dollars and the damage was caused by fire and this from a cigarette. And, guess who pays for this damage? Everyone who pays taxes is the correct answer. Included in that list is the vast majority of Americans who are sensible and do not smoke! (Robin L. Johnson)
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08/01/2008 12:03 a.m.
(ONE-HUNDRED-THIRTY-TWO) Sometimes stories are so ridiculous that you wonder if they are even true. Today's blog will be one of those. Saudi Arabia has banned the sale of dogs and cats, and the reason... they might be used by one sex trying to flirt with the other sex. I'm not kidding, this is a real reason given and an actual news story.
Talk about your backwoods third-world country... they have to be near the top of that list. I suspect this type of thinking is a direct result of too many years in the desert and the heat has addled the brains of the leaders of that country. All I can say is: GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!
I know that as a nation we have a lot of faults and even a great many grave sins, but please... America at its worst has never proposed such a silly idea and for such a stupid reason. While it might be true that a cute pet can attract the eye of someone of the opposite sex, so can a casual glance or a quick smile... will banning those be on the Saudi's list next?
I think that Orwell's thought police and big-brother has not quite materialized in America, but it seems like it has taken a strong foothold in many Muslim countries.
I have a special wish for all American liberals who tout Muslim countries as good places to live and are haters of America: I wish for them to go live in the desert for awhile and ride camels to get to places that they want to go... and then see how fast they try to make their way back to America. (Robin L. Johnson)
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08/02/2008 12:07 a.m.
(ONE-HUNDRED-THIRTY-THREE) I want to talk briefly about the scientist who recently killed himself (Bruce Ivins) because he was about to be indicted on five cases of capital murder for sending the anthrax envelopes to many offices in 2001, and causing at least five people to die.
Now we may never know if he was the person responsible or even if he acted alone, but that is not the point of this blog: I wanted to write about a partial sentence in the story that described his suicide: "who (Ivins) had complained about the limits of testing anthrax drugs on animals..."
The FBI thinks he released anthrax on humans to test his vaccines. Why? Because he had been exposing and killing monkeys and other animals trying to find a cure for this toxin. Now, he wanted to try his cures on humans. Although I think most in PETA are lunatics, whenever I read stories like this I understand why some of them act crazy.
I have always said that you have to be a heartless monster to kill un-birthed babies in the protective womb of their mothers. And I also believe you have to be heartless to maim, torture, and kill helpless animals in the name of research. Regardless what that research is for... there are other ways to test products, rather than animal experimentation. (Robin L. Johnson)
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08/03/08 11:08 p.m.
12:51 a.m.
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(ONE-HUNDRED-THIRTY-FIVE) In an effort to redeem myself from last night's post, in length at least if not content, I will attempt to make this more than a 30 second read. My dad has graciously, if not wisely, allowed me to be guest author once more. I will try not to disappoint. In an effort to find a topic I felt like discussing, and subsequently failing, I finally settled upon an introduction of sorts.
08/05/2008 8:45 p.m.
(ONE-HUNDRED-THIRTY-SIX) There should be no further evidence necessary to prove that we are in the last days on planet Earth: than one of the biggest miscarriages of justice in American jurisprudence; the case of Mary Winkler.
Mary Winkler is a coward and a convicted murderer. In 2006, she shot her husband, in the back, and he died. Today's headline should have read: "Convicted murderess, Mary Winkler was executed today for her heinous crime." Instead though we read that some idiot judge gave her custody of her children.
In the first travesty of "justice," this murdering coward was only given a three year sentence for murder! Then, she only served 12 days in jail before being released. What a joke the American justice system has become.
Take heart though, at least for all believers in Christ: we are in the last days the Holy Bible speaks of when everything about us that is truly right... is being called wrong... and everything that is horribly and tragically wrong... is being called right.
Let's look at one of them: save whales, seals, and trees, but kill human babies.
Here's another: John McCain's exemplary military service record is actually being used against him by liberal Democrats as a reason for him not being qualified to be president: and at the same time the fact that Obama has no experience in any type of leadership role is supposed to be a good thing and this makes him somehow more qualified to become president.
Will someone please stop the world and let me off: the crazies have taken over. It is truly a case of the inmates running the asylum. I will say this though, with all sincerity; if Obama gets elected as president, then for the first time in American history the following statement that many dads have made to their sons will have become true: "Son, in America anybody can one day be president."
You can be a racist or not, qualified or not, atheist or not, terrorist sympathizer or not, it just doesn't matter: anyone and everyone is certainly as qualified to be president as Obama. (Robin L. Johnson)
You can always email me at
PS - To my daughter Missy, thanks for the blog... it was great! I also invite my other daughters and (or) their husbands to join in any time they would like.
08/06/2008 5:20 a.m.
(ONE-HUNDRED-THIRTY-SEVEN) I don't know about you, but I for one would actually like a neighbor like Rhett Davis: he appears to have a great sense of humor.
Apparently a neighbor of his, who recently moved to that area, was complaining about flies and dust that comes from Rhett's property as his farm is a working farm! Not, as the new neighbors house is. So, Rhett did the neighborly thing. He offered to pay one-half for a fence to separate the properties and he would do the labor himself. The new people said no. Now, here comes the hilarious part.
Rhett, creates his own "Redneck Stonehenge" fence by burying three cars in an upright position: half in the ground, and half sticking out of the ground. What a great idea. In fact, this type of using old materials, instead of filling landfills, ought to be accepted by all of the tree-hugging liberals who are out there.
Just think about it. We could make backyard fences out of tires, two-liter pop bottles, old tin cans... the list is endless. What a remarkable use Rhett has made from what beforehand had only been "junk." I think I might write to him and see if he has any other great ideas that liberals might want to use. If he does, I'll be sure and pass it on. (Robin L. Johnson)
You can always email me at
08/07/2008 12:01 a.m.
(ONE-HUNDRED-THIRTY-EIGHT) Normally I don't write anything positive about Hollywood or any of its supposed "stars?" However, this morning I will make an exception. Paris Hilton had a very funny commercial done where she is mocking Senator McCain. If you are like me and you try to avoid any and all stories that have to do with the Lohan's, Hilton's, and Spears of the world: this one time only you might want to make an exception and watch this spot; very funny stuff!
I think "Global Warming," as a political movement, is a farce and only certain sheep who read liberal news and blindly believe what they read without studying any history of past climate change and therefore are duped by the Gore's of this world... but Hilton's proposed "energy policy," in this farcical commercial, makes more sense than what either candidate has proposed. But, not for the reason that liberals are looking for.
I could care less if we continue drilling for oil until all reserves are used, but it makes sense from both an economic and job opportunity basis to also look for alternative and cheaper fuels to use: can anyone say... nuclear fuel?
John McCain, if he has smart people on his staff to advise him will use this Hilton ad to his advantage. I think he needs to bring up her name as being on his short list of possible "veeps." I think it would get him a lot of laughs and it would show that he is unaffected by someone making fun of his age. Remember Reagan's famous remark: He was speaking against Clinton when he said: "This fellow they've nominated claims he's the new Thomas Jefferson. Well, let me tell you something: I knew Thomas Jefferson. He was a friend of mine. And governor, you're no Thomas Jefferson." Reagan was the "Great Communicator."
Senator McCain needs to take a page from Reagan's book and use this funny commercial to his advantage. (Robin L. Johnson)
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08/08/2008 9:35 p.m.
(ONE-HUNDRED-THIRTY-NINE) First, I would like to say, "Happy 8/8/8." Now I would like to rant about another scumbag liberal Democrat: John Edwards. How many other people now believe that he is about as lowlife human being as it is possible to be?
It is one thing for a guy or a girl to cheat on their spouse: that is clearly wrong; however, adultery drops to an even lower level of sleaze when the offended party is battling a life threatening disease like cancer.
Edwards, like Clinton before him has about the same moral decency of an alley-cat that is in heat.
His total hypocrisy has always been evident as he talked about "The two Americas." Even while his personal wealth is estimated at 300 million dollars. I have news for him, there are at least two Americas, but not in the way that he implied.
First there is an America on the one side that is moral and decent: populated with people who would literally die before they would cheat on their spouse: then there is the other America. That America is populated with the Hollywood sleaze of the world and this group includes all of the "limousine liberals:" like Clinton, Obama, Dean, Edwards, Pelosi, Kennedy... etc. etc. etc.
I have learned something though in all of my years watching how liberals operate. "There is absolutely nothing a liberal could ever do that would shock or surprise me." In fact, if it is something bad or worldly, I fully expect all of them to try it, at least once... maybe twice. (Robin L. Johnson)
You can always email me at
08/09/08 9:39 p.m.
(ONE-HUNDRED-FORTY) Well hello everyone, it's me Missy. I'm filling in for my dad who was working late helping my older sister and her husband build a fence for their back yard. I decided to write this evening on one of my favorite places to eat locally. The restaurant is Queen of Sheba located on Taylorsville Rd. The food is authentic Ethiopian and the owner is also the Executive Chef. The menu is really quite reasonably priced for the level of quality you receive. My two children (ages 2 & 4) also love the food, especially the Injera which is a flat bread. Of course it doesn't hurt for them that all of the food is eaten using only your hands. My absolute favorite dishes are the Sega Wot, Alicha Doro Wot and Kik Wot. All three dishes are stews and absolutely fabulous. If you would like to check it out, their web address is I believe that's gonna wrap it up for me tonight - I'm gonna go watch Michael Phelps in his first event. Go USA!!! You can always email me "care of" clarkmatthews!
08/10/2008 11:00 p.m.
Tonight's blog is just to tell you about an activity we have been involved in for the last few days and the importance of family. Many in our family has been getting together over the last few days to assist my oldest daughter and her husband in putting up a privacy fence... it is almost done and it looks great. All told it is about 260 linear feet with three gates.
What I want to say though and I am thankful for is that many family members, on both sides of the family, turned out to help. It is kind of like the old fashioned days when people gathered to raise a barn. Each evening after work everyone would sit down for a meal and just "visit." That's how it was this evening. Now, the first couple of nights was nice as they sent for take-out food: but tonight was especially good as several different people brought dishes from home and it was like a picnic. All I can say is family is great! (Robin L. Johnson)
You can always email me at
08/11/2008 9:20 a.m.
(ONE-HUNDRED-FORTY-TWO) I want to comment on a story about an American couple being attacked by some heathens from Guatemala. Unless you were an unfortunate soul who happened to be born in one of these backward nations, why would any civilized person visit such a place?
In 1991 my wife, three daughters, and myself went to the Bahamas: talk about your typical third-world country. We left the "tourist areas" and went into town. It was what you would expect: poor, dirty, and most probably very dangerous. Probably along the lines of a white person driving through Gary, Indiana late at night. (LOL)
One of the people from our group that we traveled with fell and broke her wrist. The island hospital we took her to was on par with the worst animal clinic in whatever town you live in. America... the land of plenty, is certainly the greatest land on the face of the Earth.
I would also like to say that today, I got to see a picture of our latest grandchild: this makes number eight. In this picture it is quite clear that the little boy, or girl, we don't know which one yet, is clearly relaxing with one arm casually behind their head. The picture is an ultrasound of Missy's twelve week old baby. The little baby is due sometime in February; we can hardly wait! (Robin L. Johnson)
You can always email me at
08/12/2008 7:55 a.m.
(ONE-HUNDRED-FORTY-THREE) "Have you heard the one about..." I was going to begin this blog as an opening line for a joke: but what happened to Zhang Liang, of China, (as if you couldn't guess from that name) is probably not very funny.
Personally, I don't believe that China should ever have been awarded the Olympics in the first place. Their human-rights abuse is well-known and ongoing. If anyone doubts that China is a very oppressive government, I can give you a simple test to prove that everyone in the world knows what they are actually like. Here is the test: Let's see how many athletes from the 200 (+) countries that are participating in the Olympics defect to China rather than return home. The answer, given well before the Olympics is over, is ZERO!
The only reason that the United States is not awarded the Olympics more often, is there are always large numbers of athletes from other countries defecting to the U.S.A.!
All I can say is Go America!
The poor rower, Zhang Liang did not show up for his heat because he thought he was in a later one. Because of that he was disqualified for that race as well as a later race as part of a two-man race. So, his disqualification also disqualified his teammate because he had no one to row with.
If this had happened to an America rower, it would be sad to imagine all of the hard work put in preparation, and then not being able to compete. But it would end there. He, or she would still come home to a forgiving public and loving family. China though is another story. All I can say for sure is someone ought to tag that guy with a GPS device and at least see what the Chinese government does with his body. (Robin L. Johnson)
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08/13/2008 6:30 p.m.
(ONE-HUNDRED-FORTY-FOUR) Have any of you heard about the "great planet debate" that will take place tomorrow in Maryland? Actually I don't care about the main topic being discussed, or the esteemed scientists who will be attending. I just want to point out a hilarious flaw with people who believe scientists really know any more than what they can learn from their five senses.
The debate that will take place, and there are many learned people who will line up on both sides of the issue, is whether or not Pluto should be classified as a planet. The amazingly funny part about this is the fact that Pluto is in our own solar system and there is still great confusion as to not only its size, but what it is made of. Yet, these fools act as if they know how the solar system began, its age, and how long it will last.
When will people start to stand up and call these people out for the frauds they are? These are the same people who pretend to know that Global Warming is a fact and all of its dire circumstances, yet they can not do any better than 50% right on whether it will rain 24 hours in advance.
Wake up, only God and the Bible has the answers. Do not follow these fools and their humanistic teaching straight to Hell. (Robin L. Johnson)
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08/14/2008 6:15 p.m.
(ONE-HUNDRED-FORTY-FIVE) I want to write a brief blog about a very serious and tragic story. It is only now being reported that some doctors who are in the human transplant business have been harvesting organs too soon. In the cases I have just read they are doing it as soon as 75 seconds after the last heartbeat: ridiculous!
Although the practice of organ donation is not wrong, the system is totally flawed. The last time I had my license renewed the clerk asked me if I was an organ donor? I said not since Mickey Mantle and that debacle. Just because he was rich and famous he had no right to be bumped ahead of other patients who were not rich and were not celebrities, but also needed liver transplants. Besides, "The Mick" got his disease from years of hard drinking. It wasn't like he contracted something through no fault of his own. In my estimation only that last group of people ought to be eligible for the donor list anyway.
Until and unless they start giving out needed organs to the next in line, regardless of their income or celebrity, I would never be an organ donor.
Then, you have another real problem with the practice. What if a person you love is seriously injured and the doctor sees that they are an organ donor and they fit a "particular profile" of a case they are working on: will they get the same care? Or, will they be like the babies I began this story with, and their doctor would "call their death" mere seconds after the last heartbeat in order to harvest their organs for another patient. Whatever happened to testing for brain death before physically taking someone apart?
The next time you read about a wondrous story of a person being given a second chance for life because of the selfless act of an organ donor: I want you to do something. I want you to ponder for a few seconds and consider the fact that maybe the original donor was never given a second chance for life because their doctor pulled the plug on them mere seconds after their last heartbeat. (Robin L. Johnson)
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08/15/2008 7:35 a.m.
(ONE-HUNDRED-FORTY-SIX) The first of the "Texas 7" was executed, Michael Rodriquez. And might I say, rightly so. He was, at the least, a double murderer. He had hired a hit man several years before to kill his wife, then after escaping from prison he killed a police officer.
The biggest controversy for some in seeing him executed is the fact that he "might" have gotten saved in prison and has turned his life around. So What!
I hope that is true, him being saved: however, getting saved does not forgive him for crimes he committed on Earth. God might well have forgiven him and he will be welcome in Heaven, but he still owes a debt to society.
People need to understand that a life of sinning still has consequences on this Earth, even if at some point God pardons the sinner. That only means that his, or her, soul will escape damnation, but this body on Earth might still well be punished.
Think of it like this. Let us suppose there is a prostitute who also used drugs and alcohol. And because of this she now has AIDS and a liver disease which is terminal. Gloriously, she trusts Christ for her salvation. I have a question for you. Will she still die soon from her terminal illness that was brought on by years of sinning? The answer is yes, of course she will.
Sins in this body are paid for in this body. The Good Lord died on the cross to save the soul of man, not this earthly and temporary shell. (Robin L. Johnson)
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08/16/2008 11:20 p.m.
(ONE-HUNDRED-FORTY-SEVEN) Just a brief blog, to, along with the rest of America, congratulate Michael Phelps and the American swimming team. I just finished watching him do something that no other Olympian has ever done: remarkable!
The Olympics is an excellent diversion from all of the trouble and turmoil in the world; they are a welcome change. Although, all too soon they will be over and the world, for the most part, will return to its evil and sinful path. For the vast majority of God's great creation, most of His crowning achievement, mankind, will not be granted the gift of eternal life: what a tragedy. (Robin L. Johnson)
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08/17/2008 6:25 a.m.
(ONE-HUNDRED-FORTY-EIGHT) I will begin writing this morning about a very tragic story of a young girl and her son. I will finish it this evening after work. In this way it will give you an opportunity to read the story for yourself before returning to this blog for my thoughts. Ria Ramkissoon and her son, Javon Thompson, in my opinion, are both victims: however, the mother is still responsible for the death of her baby.
This young mother got mixed up in a religious cult a few years ago after she was disappointed with one of the leaders from her former church. That mistake cost her dearly. The fool who is the leader of this cult was trying to punish Ria's one year old baby because the child refused to say "amen" after finishing prayers. Keep in mind the age of the baby: one year old!
I am glad for religious freedom in this country, except when things like this happen, and in the "name of God." Very tragic! (Robin L. Johnson)
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08/18/2008 10:55 p.m.
(ONE-HUNDRED-FORTY-NINE) This will be a follow-up story to a blog I write just four days ago where I spoke against harvesting organs because of the way some transplant surgeons do it: harvesting just 75 seconds after the last heartbeat of some infants. That was blog # 145.
I want to call your attention to a story out of Jerusalem today. A premature baby was "pronounced dead" with no heartbeat. The child was placed in a cold storage until until the parents could pick the child up and take him to a funeral home: five hours later... FIVE HOURS LATER... not 75 seconds later... as the parents were getting their baby from the storage locker, the child was found to be breathing and quite alive.
So, for all who didn't like my blog of four days ago... now don't all of you look very stupid. (Robin L. Johnson)
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08/19/2008 6:55 p.m.
(ONE-HUNDRED-FIFTY) I just wanted to make a comment on Shawn Johnson winning a gold medal in her last exercise on the balance beam: it's about time!
I do not pretend to know anything about scoring an Olympic athlete as they are competing, however, it just seems to me that there has been an awful lot of home-cooking going on for the Chinese athletes as they are competing.
I was rooting also for the diminutive athlete from America because she seems like an incredibly well-rounded person and just a good kid. I saw the special they did on her from her hometown: good for her.
She reminds me an awful lot of Mary Lou, from West Virginia, a great athlete and an all around good person. As you watch the athletes perform you will see that in either winning or losing it speaks an awful lot about their overall character. I watched this young girl lose, and she accepted it well, and of course, she also handled herself well in victory. Go America! (Robin L. Johnson)
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