Tuesday, November 23, 2010


November 23, 2010 11:45 am


In just a couple of days we will have the one and only holy-day (holiday) that is especially for Christians. Now, to be fair, there will be untold millions of people who are lost and will celebrate this Thursday along with those who are born again: however, those who are saved should recognize this as a very special day which is set aside to give thanks to God!

The bulk of lost people will not even recognize or call this particular holiday... “Thanksgiving” day: and, as usual, the lost will try and attribute a different meaning and will call it “turkey-day” or something as inane as that in order to try and distance themselves both from the Biblical idea of being thankful to God and why the early Pilgrims celebrated this time as well.

Of course, Christians do have Christmas and Easter as holy days (holidays) that are also celebrated. The problem is that both of those days and times came from heathen holy days which were celebrated long before the birth of Christ. (And rather than to try and teach men and women, who had converted to Christianity, to abandon those days as pagan worship... some in the early church attempted to turn those days into an occasion to “worship Christ.”)

Although I am not against having a day which recognizes the birth of God's Son, Jesus; the Christ of God: there is a reason why the Good Lord did not record an exact date when God took the form of man and was born to Mary and Joseph. (Although, with a little searching from given Scripture, we can know an approximate time.) What follows is my personal opinion only, but I think I know why God did not make it that easy for us to know the date. I believe that for many people, if they knew for certain a date... they would turn that particular day into a time of veneration and the date and time would become as, or more important than the birth of Christ. I mean, look what the Israelites did with the brazen- serpent Moses had fashioned in the wilderness: they foolishly named it Nehushtan and began to worship this simple image on a stick.

Because the early church was trying to “Christianize” pagan dates already in play, they had no choice but to use the dates that were already set: otherwise, if they were just wanting to set aside a time to celebrate the day of the physical birth of Jesus and if they were going to set aside a particular day to remember His resurrection from the dead... don't you think they would have tried to get both seasons correct?

(For most people who study the clues given in Luke about John's father and the particular course he was attending in the temple when he was stuck dumb and went home, ( the eighth course, Abijah: May 19-26) then it becomes quite clear that Jesus could not have been born later than September. That is, of course assuming that Elizabeth conceived shortly after Zechariah went home and that she gave birth in the usual manner: (approximate nine months gestation period) then John the Baptist would have been born in March, and being six months older than the Lord... Jesus would have been born in September. The best and most detailed study I have ever read has His birth happening on September 11th? Go figure.)

During Easter festivities we remember the Lord's death and resurrection during early spring, which is most probably correct, but, His birth happening in full-winter... even without the above information is not possible. Remember what the shepherds were doing when they heard the angelic announcement about the birth of Christ?

Keep in mind also that nowhere in the Holy Bible is it stated or even implied that Christians are to set aside either of those times as days of celebration, or remembrance. And this is true of both His birth... and His death and resurrection. Although, we are to always keep in our hearts and remember His death, burial, and resurrection... as that is the Gospel itself! It is just that we are not commanded to have a particular day set aside for this remembrance. (Think of it like the Lord's Supper: as oft as you partake, do it in remembrance of Him: no particular set days or seasons,,, just “as oft” as you do it.)

I know that as Christians we both do and practice many things which have little to do with Biblical accuracy: however, that does not mean that we should (necessarily) cease to do them. (At least as long as what we do is not anti-Biblical.) One example of this type of practice is Christmas plays put on each Christmas by (even fundamental) churches. We all know that Scripture teaches that when the wise-men brought their gifts to Jesus (God) that He was not in the manger at that time. He would have been a toddler by now and approaching two-years of age. However, this type of error in Biblical accuracy in no way dishonors God, nor does it mislead any believers: therefore, such plays are fine to be involved in and should be enjoyed by all! (In fact, this year the Christmas play at our church will have at least one of my daughters and sons-in-law in the play itself and (I believe) all nine of our grandchildren will be in it! And behind the scenes: i.e., props, costumes, etc. my two other daughters, their husbands, and my wife are also involved.) And even though I have not seen even a single rehearsal, I would be willing to go out on a limb (lol) and say that when the erstwhile magi bring their gifts to the baby Jesus... He will most probably be peacefully in repose in a manger? And I, like everyone else in attendance, will be quite happy to see this depiction.

I also love Easter Sunrise services! Yet, Scripture clearly teaches Jesus would have risen from His tomb sometime after the ninth hour on Saturday, and not on Sunday morning. Without going into too much detail, since that is not what I am writing about today, suffice it to read John 20:1: “The first day of the week cometh Mary Magdalene early, when it was yet dark, unto the sepulchre, and seeth the stone taken away from the sepulchre.” Notice, she was there early on Sunday morning... WHEN IT WAS YET DARK! Of course, the Lord was already risen and that was well before the rising of the Sun in the sky on that Sunday morning: however, this present knowledge does not mean that I don't like sunrise services... I do like them very much!

I did not begin this to be any type of treatise on clues in Scripture that tell us when Jesus was born, nor when He was crucified or rose from the dead; although, both of those might be a fun blog to try and write someday. I am wanting to point out that in reality we, as Christians, only have one day set aside that we can truly find Biblical support for... and that is a day set aside to be thankful to God: i.e., Thanksgiving day!

In the Old Testament book of Deuteronomy and the fourteenth chapter we read of a Thanksgiving type of celebration. This celebration would happen in an appointed place and at a set time by the Lord. Deuteronomy 14:26 “And thou shalt bestow that money for whatsoever thy soul lusteth after, for oxen, or for sheep, or for wine, or for strong drink, or for whatsoever thy soul desireth: and thou shalt eat there before the LORD thy God, and thou shalt rejoice, thou, and thine household,” I want to call your attention to the last part of that verse... “...thou shalt eat there before the LORD thy God, and thou shalt rejoice, thou, and thine household...” Thanksgiving Day is a time we can gather together with family and friends, and we can eat and rejoice together because of the goodness of God!

I know the Pilgrims celebrated in the spring of the year and not November as we do today. (They also celebrated for three days, I kind of like that idea.) I also know when God was proclaiming His time of thankfulness in Deuteronomy... He was ordering that for His chosen people, the Jews: nonetheless, the last verse of that chapter also is inclusive of all others within the city at that time: Deuteronomy 14:29b: “... and the stranger, and the fatherless, and the widow, which are within thy gates, shall come, and shall eat and be satisfied...” So, this Thanksgiving day, even the lost have the right to gather and eat and be satisfied, even if they are unaware that it is God's beneficence which allows them to gather and count their blessings. (We are scheduled to see A Christmas Carol in a few weeks so I decided to use the word “Beneficence” now... I guess I can't wait?)

I began this by saying, “In just a couple of days we will have the one and only holy-day (holiday) that is especially for Christians.” I'll explain that thought better with words from a preacher friend of mine from many years ago. He used to travel the country and say that “America IS NOT a Christian nation!” Of course, he based that statement on abortion, drugs, homosexuality, pornography, etc. etc. etc. Then, he began to travel around the world and he saw many other nations: returning to America he then prefaced his earlier message with these words: “If America IS NOT a Christian nation... then, THERE IS NO CHRISTIAN NATION ON EARTH!”

So, I will say... if Thanksgiving Day is not a holiday (holy day) for Christians: then Christians have no holiday (with Biblical support) to celebrate. However, I believe we do and that is THANKSGIVING DAY!

In conclusion: for all who are saved and read this blog, I would like to remind you about something when you gather this Thursday to celebrate... it has to do with a name God uses to describe Himself: I AM!

This Thanksgiving most will think of God as, El Shaddai... provider. or All Sufficient One. However, in the phrase... I AM, I would like people to ponder God as this... I AM, on Thanksgiving Day. The reason I am writing this part is not everyone who is Christian on this particular day, Thursday November 25, 2010... will feel like celebrating as others might? Either they, or someone they love might well be very ill, or they have lost a loved one recently, or... any of a thousand different reason which can cause heartache. Yet, wherever you are in life at this time, the mountaintop or the valley, I AM is already there!

Are you lonely? I AM is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother!

Are you thirsty? I AM is living waters!

Are you hungry? I AM is the bread of life!

Look, search the Scriptures and pose whatever scenario you might... and you will find Biblical support and verses for the fact that I AM is in that place as well! There is no situation you can presently be in that I AM is not already the question formed and the answer given. He, this, I AM... is both Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end!
I hope everyone reading this has a great and Happy Thanksgiving Day!!!

You can always email me at clarkmatthews1@aol.com

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


November 17, 2010 3:45 pm


July ninth of this year I wrote a blog with the title: Singing in the Rain. In one place I talked about one aspect of a particular park that I enjoyed seeing... the (impossible-to-count) number of granddaddy long-legs spiders which seemed to virtually blanket the ground. And in another place on that blog I wrote about the sheer beauty of this (mostly) unspoiled park. What follows is a small excerpt from that particular trip to the park. “A deep forest-green is my favorite color, and this morning and at times on the trail there was no color but green in every direction that I turned. All-in-all it was a marvelous walk.” Thanks to the ridiculous mayor of Jeffersonville, Indiana and the local board-members... all of that is now gone! What possible voting bloc of people keeps putting these same goons back in charge?

On another trip to this park during the summer and while on the trail I called all of the girls to tell them what Deb and I were witnessing? There were more butterflies flying there than I had ever seen at the same time... except in the butterfly exhibit at the Louisville zoo! As we walked they were flying and drifting past us in amazing numbers, sizes, and colors. All of that is now gone forever, because of the foolish Mayor Galligan, and his willing cohorts.

The fact that they bulldozed the park illegally, without prior notice, public hearings, or permits... misses the point of this blog. The point is that they tore up something beautiful to put in something not even needed: more ball-fields. I hope every single person on the present board along with Mayor Tom Galligan is run out of town by the voters in the next election.

Today, we walked the dogs in what was once a beautiful area that now looks like Bosnia after the war, and during our walk I heard a a strange sound. In fact, it was unusual enough that I asked Deb to be quiet and to listen carefully. The “sound” I was calling to her attention... was silence! We did not even hear the usual chirping sounds from what birds are left. And next season, there will be no expectation of the hammering sound from the many woodpeckers who used to call this park their home.

From walking almost daily at this park, my wife and I knew different spots where certain animals had their homes. One example is that a large fallen tree near the creek bed was home to a den of rabbits. And we knew before rounding that particular bend to hold on tightly to the dogs leashes as a rabbit would leave his den and streak across an open area that was nearby. (My guess is that since he did this so often, he must be trying to lead any possible predators away from his home and family?)

Of course, none of this matters to Galligan. And, as is his usual way he lied and said no permits were needed to destroy this park. (His office actually likened this destruction to mowing your grass. So, I suppose to these fools... leveling fifteen acres of woodland and drying up a stream is just like mowing your lawn!) This is not the first time Galligan has pulled a similar stunt and did work illegally without permits. But, he has found the penalties and the fines levied in the past were not large, so, he just decided to do it before anyone was aware what he and his political cronies were up to? In fact, the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers officials said this week that the city neglected to get the needed wetlands permit when parts of Vissing Park were deforested... to make room for new baseball fields! What an absolute joke!

When asked about what will happen to all of the animals who no longer have homes... one official said, “Most animals will move on...” Where do you think many of them will “move” to? My guess is that many of them will “move” on to the nearby highways and become road-kill.

When Galligan and his crew comes up for their next election... I promise to be a noisy adversary in helping to get him and all who tore this park up to be defeated!

You can always email me at clarkmatthews1@aol.com