Tuesday, November 25, 2014

I'M NOT SURE WHY . ......

Tuesday November 25, 2014 10:00 am

More than half a year ago I made a promise to myself that I'm trying to keep. It was a simple premise really and just twofold. I was going to never again write about things that trouble me... and I was going to stay away from computers and this blog (especially) during times, seasons, and dates which grieves me. I can't say it has been easy and neither can I say it particularly helps... but I'm still going to try and continue this practice.

13 days ago I marked one such date (+ 25) and in two days I will be up against another one so I thought having nothing better to do this morning before work I would squeeze a brief blog in between. Fall has always been difficult for me... and if “always” isn't exactly true at least for a very long time it has been a hard season to endure. So, I will not be writing much during this time of year.

This morning as I was sitting here contemplating what to type I thought of a couple of authors who wrote something great. In particular there are two books written 96 years apart and by completely disparate authors whose opening first lines in each of their books completely sums up this fall season for me. With Nabokov and in the year of my birth it was his first 13 words, and with Dickens who penned his famous book 96 years prior it took him just 24 words to say all that needed said. Then, in finishing those few brief thoughts he summed me up wholly with the words 'hope' and 'despair' … my two nearly lifelong companions. (I think great authors can say much in few words which is another indication how poor my feeble attempts were in that field.)

I came back from a fun trip recently where all of my immediate family had gathered and we had a wonderful time. I also experienced a first while there. In my previous 58 years I had always received something tangible as a gift on that day. This was different and a first in that I received nothing like that... which again proves that 'things' are really unimportant and unnecessary in order to make a date become very important in one's mind and heart. In my heart I now have three such dates to mark as my finest: 34, 59, and 50. 

As has been my custom for several years now I take my small travelling companion (E) with me and I took her picture looking at the ocean... this time at Daytona Beach. I will include that now.

I hope all who reads this has a wonderful and happy holiday season.

Sunday, November 09, 2014


Sunday November 9, 2014 6:26 pm

Well, we leave in the morning for Disney in Florida. Our middle daughter, her children, and her husband flew down this past Friday and are already there. Our oldest and youngest daughters, along with all their children and their husbands will be part of a three car caravan with myself as we are getting ready to head out also.

Our first day in the park will be Tuesday, and then Saturday my youngest and her family will head back home with me. Of course, there will be a short stop in Daytona Beach as her three youngest children has never yet had an opportunity to play in the ocean. We can certainly take care of that :)

All of us are keenly aware that for us to all be gathered like this at the same time and on vacation will most probably be a first... and last time opportunity. (Because of that On Wednesday we are all planning to be in Magic Kingdom at the same time for a ride together and some photos.) 

Thankfully, our daughters do not work outside the home and all of the children are still young enough to not have a schedule that would need to be changed in order to take a vacation. However, for our three sons-in-law and myself to all be able to get off at the same time is difficult... so, we are looking at this as probably the only time in this lifetime that this will happen.

Once I'm back home I only have about six weeks until I'm going to be in New York for the New Year's celebration... I'm also looking forward to that trip. (However, for that one I will be leaving by myself.)

I haven't had a lot of chances to write recently so I thought if anyone still reads this blog I would try and catch up a bit with what I have planned... and am doing. Until next time, whenever that next time might be I hope any and all who reads this has a good time in life.