Wednesday, July 30, 2014


Wednesday July 30, 2014 7:33 am

I learned something about myself yesterday and it is just this...I don't like to argue. That might seem strange for anyone reading this to imagine that I've only just now learned this about myself? I suppose though I have always confused (in my mind) the fact of liking to debate with being a person who is argumentative. At times I still enjoy debate, but I really don't like arguing and especially if it lends itself to hurt feelings.

This morning I thought of the story of Brer Rabbit and his very own Tar-baby. However, my own little Tar-babies I keep finding in my life are not built by others to ensnare me... rather I keep looking for them on my own... crazy huh???

Yesterday... after the aforementioned argument, I was sort of tossed into a briar patch where I quickly extricated myself from my entanglement and scurried on my way, and under my breath I was saying... you can't catch me :)

I do know the "why" behind my actions even if I can do nothing about it... at least I think it helps knowing. Because I do know why I do the things I do I'm not driven to some bar-stool in a crowded room of lost souls always staring at the bottom of an empty glass. They keep muttering to themselves, "Why?" I suppose their lament is how their lives ended up in smoky rooms night-after-night searching for answers in a place where they can never be found. Nope, I know... and because of that knowledge, soon, (after licking my wounds for a few days) I will begin a diligent search for my next little "Tar-baby."

In the last stanza of a particular poem Cullen wrote:

I have no will to weep or sing.
No least desire to pray or curse;
The loss of love is a terrible thing;
They lie who say that death is worse.

Yep, knowing why I keep finding Tar-babies in my life does not change the fact that I keep looking for them. So, in a sense, I suppose I am worse than the drunk on the stool, because he, or she, does not know why they are the way they are? Me, I know... and maybe that is the saddest thing of all :(  


Saturday, July 26, 2014


Saturday July 26, 2014 11:11 pm

First, I had no intention before yesterday of stopping my "dare" until I had completed it, and I was probably no more than 10 days (two weeks at the most) from doing it. However, something happened yesterday that suddenly made it seem more wrong than fun so I quit it and because of that I am again writing on my blog.

I  had a nice day today and that was followed by a very hard downpour this evening and a great summer rain! A little ago I was shopping at Kroger's and as I was crossing the lot the rain was warm that was splashing on my feet... I was wearing sandals. I guess because the day was so very hot that the parking lot was superheated and the falling rain which was forming puddles was as warm on my feet as bathwater... it was fun :)

Also, about an hour ago I saw the largest, widest, and longest sustained lightning bolt I have ever seen... it was huge! I love storms... and especially if I have any reason to feel especially good anyway: otherwise, depending on whatever is taking place in my life the same type of storm can make me feel very sad as well; but not this night! This storm and the rolling thunder I'm hearing outside my window as I type this I like it very much!

I hope any and all who might read this has a great evening and a fun rest of the weekend... and especially I wish this for any out there who might read this and if you happen to be one of the very few I have left to me in this world that I truly love... I wish you well!!!!!!!