TAT ME UP!!!!!!!
Thursday September 22, 2011 5:45 pm
I don't know if it is anything more than the fact that today is the last day of summer, or if it is just the breeze in the air as fall approaches which causes me to feel wistful, and I find that I have certain yearnings and many tugs on my heart. Regardless the reason, I found myself lost in thought today (while at work) and I began to think back on my life and try to imagine what events transpired that caused me to be where I am today? Anyway, to the best of my knowledge there has been five things which happened in my life that I can honestly say were life-changing... and each one set me on an immediate and completely different course.
Last week (from Saturday through Friday) there were only 83 souls who paused to read what I had written on my blog. I suppose it is because of blogs like I am planning to write today is the main reason why the numbers are as low as they are at this present time. Although, even if the numbers were 10,000 times greater than what they were last week, and everyone read what I write today, still... not a single soul could possibly know what each of the life-altering events were in my lifetime. In fact, apart from God and myself, and we're not talking, there is only one person in the world who knows what each of my experiences are that I am alluding to... and I do not believe this person any longer reads what I write? So, today might well be an exercise in futility, both for myself and those who choose to read this particular blog.
Andy Kaufman, at least for his day, was a talented and funny comedian. Yet, almost all who knew him realized that he would have been better received by the general population if many of the jokes and stories he told had been saved for only a select group of his inner-circle. Some stories he told weren't funny because the audience didn't have any of the back-story which would have been necessary to appreciate the joke. Yet, he constantly told stories and made jokes to large crowds of complete strangers that would have been suitable for his closest friends only. I tell you of him because today I do something very similar. Perhaps though, even those who will have no idea what things forever changed my life... maybe, just maybe, you might have a moment of introspection and decide to make your own list of events which dramatically and forever-more changed your life!
There have been a sum total of five events in my lifetime that completely changed me. One of the five events I walked through the door with eyes wide open. There were two others that while it is true that I willingly walked through the doors which were presented, I honestly had no understanding what lay ahead. Then, there were two life-changing events that I feel I did not so much choose to participate, rather it felt as if someone... or some force more powerful than I chose them for me.
Instead of relating what each one was, I am simply going to give my age when each one happened. The summer I was 13 was forever life-changing. While it is true that there was an initial catalyst... the entire summer changed me forever.
I was 17 when when my life took another 180 degree turn.
19 was the next event where things were again turned upside down.
26 was the next milestone year and finally, I was 33 when I had my last life-altering event.
Although all of these events were important in their own way: yet, there were two that surpassed all others in how I was affected. Because of the fact that I feel like I was “marked” by those two experiences, today and for the first time in my life I have decided to get a tattoo. Which (again) because of the symbolism I have chosen to use for my tattoo, even if others see it once it is done... still, it will only mean something to me.
I am certainly no artist, but today I drew on a piece of paper what I want... now, I need to find someone who is talented in applying tattoos to render my poor drawing into a work of art!
I suppose if I get nothing else out of this blog today, perhaps I will have one of my readers who happens to know someone who could take my drawing and turn it into something beautiful, and then tattoo that onto my arm. So, if you know of just that right person please email me: clarkmatthews1@aol.com
Certainly I could go to a parlour and get this done. In fact, I checked before sitting down to type this and there are several parlour's in the Louisville area alone. However, because this will be the only one that I will ever get and because the idea of this particular one means a lot to me... I would like to find someone who is really good at doing such things.
Friday September 16, 2011 10:55 am
A little while ago I finished my first iron-man sprint, and for my reward as I am typing this I am sipping a large (sugar-free) vanilla iced-coffee from McDonald's. My overall time was one hour, fifty minutes, and 40 seconds: My time was slower than I had hoped because my two transitions were extremely poor.
This morning was very chilly and as I came out of the water I could not immediately go to the bike because I had to dry and put on sweats and a hooded sweatshirt. Even with that on and averaging only (between) 15 to 17 miles an hour the wind on my face took my breath away. Now I know why most of these events are held in July or August. My problems were also exacerbated because of my asthma which is affected worse in cold air than in the summertime: regardless, I got through it and am glad the first one is behind me and I now look forward to next month and the trail at Burnheim. For that one, one of my sons-in-law (Bob) is going with me. This will be his third time on that trail and my second time.
After Burnheim and on my birthday I will do another mini-marathon (my third) in Louisville and then I will start training regularly for the iron-man in Muncie for next July.
I had only intended this morning to write and give an update on my first sprint, but, I have decided to write about my experiences as I was showering at the Y after I was done. I always like the showers at the Y because the water comes out so forcefully... much more pressure than an ordinary shower at home. However, this morning I forgot that I was at the southern Indiana Y and not the one in downtown Louisville.
Normally I would have been at the one in Louisville except with the closing of the bridge in New Albany the traffic leaving southern Indiana on the two remaining bridges is so great that in the morning you can expect a one hour back up, and I did not feel like getting mad enough to want to cuss today so I decided to stay on my side of the river.
The showers here are as forceful as the ones in Louisville... that isn't the problem. The problem is that they are all preset for water temperature and there are no individual controls. Furthermore, I can only deduce that they have been set by some old men who have lost all natural heat in their bodies and the water is set to boil.
I'm sure that I was quite a spectacle as at first I danced in and out of the cascading water trying not to get third-degree burns. At the same time I am crying out to any interested parties: “THIS WATER TEMPERATURE IS INSANE!!! After about the third time of me hollering this I am starting to develop an “amen corner” from a group of younger guys who have most probably already been scalded by these same waters. I notice though that none of the old men are saying anything. It is my “aha” moment! I think I know the culprits who must be responsible for these crazy hot settings!
Now, don't get me wrong... I like hot water for my showers: but, I don't like “boiling” hot water. Besides, after I cleanse with soap and water I also like to run nearly cold water and finish that way. Alas, there is no chance of that this morning. Within the first couple of minutes I begin to feel great empathy for every Maine lobster who has found themselves in the hands of a heartless chef. My entire body is now pink and starting to turn red! Then, after a couple of minutes of hopping in and out from under the spray an amazing thing happens... I find I am becoming like one of Heinzmann's frogs, the water is beginning to be tolerable: and, it's not because it is cooling because my skin is still darkening. I realize that I must be getting used to it!
For this next part I am sure my blog might only be interesting to the guys who read, as my best guess (though I have no way of knowing this for a fact) is that a girls shower room is probably not like one that is full of guys. Now, the first part would be true for guys or girls... and it is only this: every age, shape, and ethnicity is typically found in some state of dress or undress. But, for the second part... this might only be a “guy thing.”
Seldom have I ever been in a locker room full of guys without there being one or two of them who are telling jokes. And it's obvious that they are telling them to the room at large because they are directing them to no one in particular. I used to wonder why this always happens and then I think I figured it out. A sense of humor is a necessary thing in a room full of boys and men who are not wearing anything more than they were on the day they were birthed. It is quite a sight... I must admit.
I always have the same thought whenever I am presented with so much visual evidence such as a locker room full of nude guys. “Why in the world does any creature as lovely as a woman love any guy?” I think that will be my thought-for-the-day to all of my readers. (lol) "Why God... why"?
As I was standing by my locker and dressing I heard two jokes that are worth retelling... sadly, only one of them can I repeat. The one I can not tell though I will give you the punch-line, because without the joke itself being told there is no way to know what is being intimated. The punch-line... “I had all three, UNTIL FATHEAD WAS BORN!”
Now, to the joke I can repeat. A ship's captain ordered a Navy seaman to sweep the anchor chain. After awhile of being in the sea these huge chains get all types of debris attached to them and a job like this can typically take all night to accomplish. Dutifully, after the large chain was stretched out on deck the young sailor began. But, each time he started to sweep a large Tern would fly down and land on the link he was trying to sweep and he would grab it and toss it back into the air. But, to his dismay he found that all night long every time he grabbed it and tossed it away it kept returning, and he got almost nothing done. The next morning the captain roared: “Sailor, didn't I order you to sweep that anchor chain?”
The young sailor replied, “Yes sir! But, all night long all I got done was tossing a Tern and I didn't get to sweep a link!” Now... you are supposed to go... “ha ha ha.”
Well, there you have it... my morning at the Y. I think I will give you one more visual image for the day. Before I do that I need (for those who only know me through my blog and not personally) to explain something before I relate the next story from this morning.
While it is patently true that I mock and make fun of people... I NEVER mock someone who really does have a problem: be that physical, mental, or emotional. I just like to pick on people who are ordinary... just like everyone else. To me that seems to be okay. Is that wrong? (lol)
Anyway, this is one of those stories that I tell without any sense of mocking or trying to poke fun. The showers at this Y are open and there are eight shower-heads. They are side-by-side, but they are far enough apart that there is still plenty of room between without any one being too close as they shower. BUT... this morning there was an older guy in there who was the largest man I have ever seen in real life. Or, at the very least the largest guy I have ever seen without any clothes. It really was very sad!
I swear I tell you this with no exaggeration whatsoever. His belly was so ponderous that when he walked it was below his knees! You might not think that is even possible... before this morning I too might have thought the same thing? But, it really is true. Anyway... I just felt that all of my friends might like to have that as a mental image for their day! (lol)
September 11, 2011 10:51 am
We had already been in Florida (on vacation) for a couple of days and were at Disney for our first morning there when we heard news of the attack on our country from a handful of heathen Muslims. It is hard to believe that ten years has passed since that hateful day... yet, here we are.
For the past couple of hours I have watched coverage of the ceremonies taking place in different parts of the country and I mourn for the families of people I never met or knew. Yet, I along with millions of others feel their loss also.
For those who suffered personal loss I pray that they, through Jesus will find peace and be comforted in their heart and soul.
Sunday September 4, 2011 9:45 pm
I have always had this love for numbers and seasons. In fact, as far back as memory allows I have had this fascination with dates, seasons, and times. Why exactly, I do not know: but, if you were to ask me to list certain dates that are important to me I would be able to tell you. And, these are not dates which are common knowledge to almost everyone. For example... most people know the dates of their spouses and children's birth's, anniversaries, hire dates for jobs, etc. etc, etc. No, what I am meaning are dates on a calendar which in themselves would have no more importance than any other... except, in my mind I seem to lend to that date some special significance. And because of that I am continually beginning different projects or items of interest to me according to a mostly random date on a calendar. And, by doing this I know that I waste a lot of my own time.
For the most part I do believe that having a good memory and a “head for figures” is probably a blessing... for the most part I believe that. But, there are times when a good memory can also be a curse. I think for people who can easily forget their past, life is probably sweeter. I guess it is because for most people time dims the memory and if it was a painful memory then the pain must be lessened as well. But, what about those people like me who can not seem to forget dates, seasons, times, and events... even those memories which causes pain in remembering?
This love/hate relationship I have with numbers and dates is not something I can readily turn off... if I could, I would. Last year while I was still at the other store a day was approaching where I was going to turn 20,000 days old. I happened to mention to the girl I was working with something I was beginning on that day because of that milestone. We were very friendly and she hugged me and doubled over with laughter. When she could talk again she assured me that only I would know how many days old I was going to be. I laughed and told her that really wasn't true because I also knew how many days old she was as well. After I told her she laughed even harder. Now, there really is a reason I am telling all of you this story. What seemed odd to her, the fact that I would know these things... seemed odd to me that she DIDN'T KNOW!
Anyway, this blog is to simply let all of you know that as of this morning, September 4, 2011 … it also (now) has special significance to me. In my mind I have given something up, and in the real world I have started something new. Although I will not divulge what either of those things are, I will say that I have 17 weeks, or 119 days, until the end of this calendar year to see if I am successful? (lol)
I like to quote different people I enjoy reading about and there is one quote in particular from Alfred D'Souza that I believe fits today's blog perfectly. He said, “For a long time it had seemed to me that life was about to begin - real life. But there was always some obstacle in the way. Something to be got through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served, a debt to be paid. Then life would begin. At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life.” (Fitting, don't you think?)
Though I believe that quote is appropriate for this subject matter, that is not my favorite quote from him. This is my favorite, "Dance as though no one is watching you, Love as though you have never been hurt before..."
From personal experience I will tell you that the first part of the above quote is rather easy to do... the second part, not so much ):