Saturday July 30, 2011 11:00 am
After I had written on Thursday I had not planned on writing this soon again. But, the response has been good so I thought I would write something this morning before leaving for work.
Evidently I struck a chord with Thursday's blog. My counter runs Saturday through Friday of each week and this morning I saw where I ended with my highest total of people reading for at least a year. I also received four emails... and two of them were from people whom I had not known previous to Thursday's blog. I especially like the fact that since I am no longer adding my email address to the bottom of what I post then this means they had to read some of the past posts I had where an address was given.
From the four who answered my question I had posed on Thursday's blog (“Have you ever had a dream of chance, while sleeping, and it caused you to act in a certain way while awake?”) there was a consensus.... everyone who answered had dreams while sleeping which caused them to change some behavior after they were awake.
Because of that good response... I will now ask another question: two actually. Have you ever had a dream that was “more” than a dream? (In fact, you might be able to call it a “vision.”)
And my second question is only this: “Do you believe that dreams come from God?”
Now, I'm not talking about the garden-variety of disjointed and fragmented dream sequences which can rightly be attributed to a tired or overworked mind and body. I am speaking about a dream that is as real as what you see when your eyes are wide open.
I have had three such dreams in my life. One dream (vision) there is only one person in the world, besides myself, who knows about it. One dream (vision) there are only two people in the world, besides myself, who knows about it. And one dream (vision) an entire church body was made aware of my dream as I told it from a pulpit.
The reason I asked if you believe dreams are from God is that the dream (vision) I told from the pulpit came to pass within an hour of my being awake. And what I saw in my mind as I slept happened down to the very smallest detail after I was awake.
The dream where only two people (besides myself) know about it was a tragic dream... but, because of that dream something wonderful happened: and this definitely would not have happened without that dream.
The dream where only one other person (besides me) knows about it never came to pass... but, I still have no reason to doubt it any more than I do the other two. I, most probably just like you have had hundreds of dreams of chance as we sleep that upon waking might seem real for a few seconds. I mean, I had two such dreams on consecutive nights this past week, (Yet, within a few seconds of wakefulness we are painfully aware that it was only a dream.)
Perhaps this type of “chance dreaming” is brought on by want or longing. It is nothing more than the sleeping mind not being able to escape the thoughts or desires of the mind that was awake. I think Edgar Allen Poe wrote of such dreams as these when he penned, “Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal man ever dared to dream before.”
But, I am speaking about a different type of dream where reality intrudes upon the dream and we are seeing what either shall, or might come to pass? There is a texture and feel to this type of dream that is as different to chance dreaming as night is to day. If you have ever dreamed this way, even one time, you will forever know the difference between the two. I have had only three of these... “dream visions” in my lifetime.
As a person who enjoys reading and after having had my first dream which was altogether different than anything I had ever experienced before I had gone to the library to see what other men had to say about such things. It was then I came across a quote written by a man who seemed to understand what I was feeling. His name is Stephen Benet and he wrote: “Dreaming men are haunted men.”
Maybe that is why I do not always look forward to sleep. Perhaps I am fearful that what I might see in my mind as I slumber and sleep could hurt me more than anything I might experience while awake?
Thursday July 28, 2011 9:27 am
I had wanted to daily write just a few lines keeping everyone apprised of how well the “juicing” has been going for those who are trying it. Then... life stepped in and I had similar dreams both Sunday and Monday night and I was no longer interested in writing anything more about my juicing experiences. Hopefully, in the near future, I will write more about that as I believe there can be some positive benefits for someone's health if they incorporate at least a few of their meals in this manner.
The title for my blog this morning is being used both literally and metaphorically. First. in the literal sense I have been riding my bike... a lot. And, I have been riding it "all over the place." I have found that at night whenever sleep escapes me I can ride my bike and collect my thoughts. (When I first moved to the Louisville area 21 years ago and I could not sleep I found some peace while driving through the run-down parts of Louisville. At that time I would drive seemingly endless alleys and back-streets.)
Now, living away from town I find myself doing something similar: either very late at night or in the early hours of the morning I have replaced Louisville's alleyways with Indiana's country highways, and I have traded my car in for a ten-speed bicycle. Though the scenery and the vehicle used are different, the end result is the same... there is time alone to think about things.
I suppose, in a sense, my life has “come full-circle.” Other than by giving you a few quotes and asking a question I will not be able to explain what I mean by using that particular idiom any better than what follows.
Before I ask the only question I am going to ask this morning, and before I type any of the quotes I have in mind... I want to tell you something I think is remarkable. There was a time... long ago when I was faithfully writing my blog that I had a large number of faithful readers. Then, as time passed I became unfaithful in my writings and naturally that caused many of those readers to not be faithful in opening up this page and reading. Anyway, though the number of readers are not anywhere close to what they used to be, and most likely never will be again... last week there were still several dozen people who read what I had written. Because of that I would like to say I appreciate your faithfulness... even when I am not. Now, on to my question. “Have you ever had a dream of chance, while sleeping, and it caused you to act in a certain way while awake?”
“All men dream but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity; but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes to make it possible.”
T. E. Lawrence (better known as Lawrence of Arabia) penned the above quote talking about two different types of dreamers: those who dream by chance, while asleep, and those who pursue a dream while fully awake. Today, I am writing this blog having (this past Tuesday afternoon) fulfilled both roles: i.e., first, the dreamer (Sunday/Monday night) in the dusty recesses of my mind: then, two days ago... and with eyes wide open!
Last night (for the first time that I can remember in, at least, the last 20+ years) I slept for six hours straight and without waking even a single time! Though, for some of you that might not seem like an achievement, but for me and how I usually sleep that is a very long stretch of time. Although, now that I think about it... I hope this is not the same type of sleep that Jonah enjoyed for a brief period of time while in the belly of the ship: because we all know what event followed that particular nap of his (:
I was only 18 years old when I first heard the song Already Gone recorded by The Eagles. At that time I especially liked it for one particular guitar solo about half-way through the song. Today though, I like it more for one particular stanza: as it seems to fit.
“Well I know it wasn't you who held me down
Heaven knows it wasn't you who set me free
So often times it happens that we live our lives in chains
And we never even know we have the key”
Well, there you have it, what I have written above explains everything. (lol) Really it does, at least in the best way that I know how to explain it.
The final quote I had in mind for this blog comes directly from the Bible, and it is one of my least favorite verses, and truisms. It is also fitting: Proverbs 26:11: “As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly.” KJV
Juicing ... continued
Friday July 22, 2011 7:07 am
DAY 11
I have been averaging nine pounds lost per month since January one of this year. I have done that simply by exercising more and eliminating certain foods from my diet. I have tried (for the last ten days) to do a "juice fast" where I have been drinking a lot of my food. There were only three of the last ten days where I drank my food exclusively. The other seven days I juiced meals but ate other foods also.
Even doing it that limited way in the last ten days of doing this I dropped six more pounds. If you project that for 30 days then that would equal 18 pounds lost per month which is exactly double what I have accomplished so far without juicing. So, I have to say that this does work... even though I have not done it the way it is recommended: that is, do only juice for at least ten day increments.
Because I have found this does work... I will continue what I have been doing and will keep everyone updated on how long it takes me to reach my ultimate (physical) goal to reach 180 pounds and maintain my weight at that point. When I do reach that milestone... I will post some before and after pictures.
I saw a comedy last evening and as soon as I understood the premise I knew it was going to end either good, or very badly. Sometimes in a movie I pick either the guys side or the girls side to root for one of them. This time I chose the guys side and I was mostly irritated with the girl throughout: it took awhile, but it ended well (:
(The movie was called, No Strings Attached.)
DAY 12 -- SATURDAY JULY 23 ... 6:00 PM
I had a rather eventful day today and more planned on Monday. Once everything is done I will post some things about it. I am in that mode of doing dome things which will ultimately be life-changing again... but, I feel I am ready: past ready actually! (:
The weather is very hot and I haven't felt like riding after getting in from work... so my weight is holding where it was. As soon as I can get back on my bike and continue eating (juicing) correctly I am hoping to drop more, and quickly.
DAY 13 -- SUNDAY JULY 24 ... 8:15 AM
Several people in our immediate family have been "juicing" (at least) some of their meals. Missy, my middle daughter, is the only one so far who has juiced exclusively all of her meals. Yesterday was the end of her first ten day period and she dropped exactly 14 pounds in that time period. So congratulations to her!
With that great beginning her plan is to now "juice" some of her meals and eat other ones. At different times in this blog as I tell you about my own goals and how close I might be to achieving them, and I will also give updates on others in the family and how they are progressing with their own goals while juicing.
DAY 14 -- MONDAY JULY 25 ... 8:03 AM
Before going to bed last evening I had planned to write this morning about something I had written about on my blog of the 12th. Then, I was dumb enough to fall asleep (: So, this morning's blog won't have anything to do with juice, fasting, or what I had mentioned on my blog of two days ago.
Instead, I just have a question for you. Have you ever had a dream that causes your heart to hurt even hours after you are awake? I suppose within seconds of being awake you know it isn't real, but... now two hours later I still can't shake it. I had been praying not to have any more dreams like those as I am always troubled afterward. I suppose I should have known better though. Today probably won't be much fun ):
Fasting ... Among Other Things
Tuesday July 12, 2011 8:50 am
It's 8:15 in the morning and I am now back home from my recent travels and I just completed a 17 mile bike ride in 75 minutes. Although that is not very fast, only 13.6 mph... considering what I ate and drank for the last four days I'll take it. Besides all that... it is HOT out there! To prove just how hot it already is... in the last 75 minutes I dropped 2.3 pounds from that short ride! Now, I am ready to get back to exercising and eating right. I am starting this morning an extended “juice fast” and I will day-by-day keep everyone who is interested up to date on my progress. First though... a little catching up news of the last several days.
A few days ago I drove to Muncie, Indiana to help support Bob in his first (of many?) iron-man triathlons. He did great! While watching the races it was fun for me to imagine competing in that very same race next year with Bob. That is why I started this day out right with some bike riding as I am wanting to begin even now working toward that goal which is almost a year away.
Early in September I will compete in my first “sprint” triathlon. That event involves three races but each race is much shorter than the ½ tri which is 1.2 miles swimming, followed by a 56 mile bike ride and then 13.1 miles on foot. The sprint is just 400 yards swimming, followed by a 17 mile bike ride and a three mile run. (Really, these shorter races are just to help a person get used to the transitions between swimming/riding/running.
The last several days for me has been a decadent time of eating and drinking things I normally do not eat or drink. Also, early on Sunday morning I was able to see a lot of old friends from HBC... I had an enjoyable time there. After church I found another old friend I hadn't seen in many years and I had an enjoyable time talking with her. I followed that with a day in Huntington at the two main parks in the city and some trails which are in the parks.
This past June 29th marked 17 years since I became a vegetarian. However, for a brief time after I got so sick a couple of years ago I had gone back to eating fish a few times. The last meal I had in Huntington was at a restaurant that is supposed to be known for serving good fish... I'm certainly no connoisseur, but, I couldn't really tell if it was all that good. Regardless, I am now back to never again eating fish.
I finished my evening in town watching The Green Lantern where I ate some popcorn and I followed that with a chocolate dessert at a nearby restaurant. Now, can everyone see why I now needed my early morning ride and my extended juice fast I am also beginning today.
Hopefully... prayerfully, I will be doing this fast of mine for some time. I am not doing an “Esther fast.” My goal will be more like a “Daniel fast.” I just purchased a Jack LaLanne power juicer and until I reach my target goal I will be neither eating or drinking any type of processed foods. My complete diet will be (only) fresh produce, nuts, fruits, and distilled water only. This diet will be 100% whole food (and raw) and everything will be run through a juicer.
For the next several weeks, rather than add a new blog daily... I will add updates at the bottom of this same blog. I will most probably do it like this for ten day periods of time... then, I will start a new blog for the next ten day time-frame.
To end this portion of today's blog I want to tell everyone a short story about something that happened at a park in Huntington. It will help everyone to understand why I think that girls are the most fascinating creature which God ever made... men, are not even a close second. First though... a little back-story.
In March when I was on the AT in Tennessee I was excited to find a small box left by some geocachers which had a few little “treasures” inside. According to etiquette... if you are ever hiking and you find such boxes and you take something out, you are supposed to put something of your own back inside for the next traveler who might happen upon it. I did that while there... that is, I took and I left something. I told you that story because I also left four items on a trail at one of the parks in Huntington.
Originally, after I had the idea to leave them on a trail I had no intended target for the recipient. However, because the day was so very hot there weren't many people walking anyway. But, I did pass a young couple holding hands and talking quietly to each other. As I passed them I turned and smiled and both of them smiled in return and then immediately went back to talking with each other again. It seemed like they were very much in love. So, I jogged a little so I could get ahead of them and out of sight. When I knew I was far enough so that they couldn't see me I removed my backpack and laid my little offering out on the trail and then I hurried on. I prayed that I would pass no one coming toward me who might find it first. My fortune held and I passed no one coming toward me clear to the end of the trail. As I sit here and type this I am hoping that the young couple will have found some special meaning in each thing that I left. I suppose I like the thought that if they have any curiosity at all, they must wonder who it was for sure who left them... and why? I mean, it was the same two thoughts I had when I found my little treasures in Tennessee. (In fact, the little plastic gorilla I kept from my find in Tennessee I now have him hanging from a small chain in my office and I stop to look at him every once in a while... and I wonder about the person who left him.)
As I was leaving that trail I saw a girl sitting by herself on a bench. I thought she looked like she could use some cheering up, so I decided to give her what I still held in my hand. Now, I am trying to remember the exact conversation... the best I can remember is that we exchanged less than 50 words between us. The entire encounter was maybe 45 seconds. As I turned and had taken maybe two steps away from her... she said four words: just four words, but, they were perfect. What follows is one of my favorite sayings from Dr. Hyles: “Girls are born knowing what it takes guys 15 years to learn.” He was so right!
I will keep everyone posted as I reach certain milestones. As of 6:10 this morning my weight is 227.9. When I left Hurricane to (first) move to Lexington on January 1, 1990 my weight was 215 pounds. So, I am 13 pounds heavier this morning then I was back then. However, my target weight that I am wanting to attain is 180 pounds. Physically, I was in the best shape of my life when I was 27 years old. Although I can never be 27 again... I certainly can get back to that same weight. So, beginning today and until I reach my 47.9 pound weight loss (from this morning) I will add regular entries to let you know about different things I am doing to accomplish this goal.
This blog entry will be... “Day One.” I am on vacation the rest of this week, so I should be able to make my entries each morning. However, once I am back to work there might be times that it will be very late at night before I can make that day's post. Then, starting the 11th day I will start a new post. Alright... here goes, I am now off to the kitchen... my new juicer, and my extended juice fast!!!!!!!
8:30 am (weight 222.1) From my first weigh-in yesterday morning until this morning I have dropped 5.8 pounds. Part of that is exercising, part of that is my juice fast... and part of that is the fact that at least 3 of those pounds were put on simply by what I ate and drank over my long weekend and they were just begging to fall off anyway. I mean, I put them on easily and they came off just as easily.
Now, I am not a complete novice when it comes to fasting. Example: The longest “Esther (type) fast” I have ever done was five days... from one Wednesday through the following Sunday where I neither ate or drank anything, including water. I have had many other fasts of different durations and types. However, this one I am attempting now will be different than any of the others I have previously done.
I think at least for today I will publish exactly what I had for each meal that I juiced. Although, I am fairly certain I won't list again everything I juice and drink as I am sure it would be boring just to read a menu for each blog. Also, keep in mind when you read the combination of what I juiced that I really have no idea on Earth what I am doing as far as what items I am mixing together. I only picked what I thought sounded good and then I juiced it.
BREAKFAST 9:00 am – strawberries, orange, banana, apples, peach
LUNCH 12:40 pm – beets, tomatoes, celery, spinach, radishes, basil, cucumber, zucchini, carrots
DINNER 5:00 pm – red potato, tomatoes, cucumber, carrots, strawberries, celery, kale
The breakfast and lunch drink that I made wasn't too bad: the one for supper... wasn't too good. I can only say that it tasted very “green” and very “raw.”
A few months ago as I was attempting to reach certain physical goals I had set for myself I had quit eating fruit completely: because of that my potassium levels plummeted and my doctor put me on Klor-Con m20 tablets. She assured me that once I decided to return to eating a diet with fruit again that I could quit taking them. So, yesterday I ate fruit and I quit taking them. I am only including this in today's post to let any reader know I have two (almost) full bottles of these potassium pills and if you have been prescribed this and are taking them... I will send my two bottles to you!
When I first began writing this blog my friend Virgil was only three-years old. On his next birthday he will be 11, so, I have been doing this blog for a long time now and never before have I used this blog to attempt what I am attempting this morning... that is, I am specifically trying to reach a single person who at one time often read what I wrote. I no longer know if they still read or not: but, I owe a debt of gratitude to this person and in some small way I would like to try and repay some of what I owe with information I have which might help them. I mean, it isn't natural to take shots or pills on a daily basis just to try and feel better. Before I reach out with some helpful information I would like to try and explain something else.
On June 15, I awoke early and made a decision to quit writing... period. This blog, other papers, etc. etc. etc. I really could not imagine it was helping me or anyone else so I quit. Then, one of our granddaughters was diagnosed with a serious illness and I remembered that many times when I had written one of my blogs I would have people who were completely unknown to me (other than through this blog) email and tell me they were praying about whatever it was I had written. So, I decided that day to write again and hopefully I could reach some of those same people from the past. Anyway... this morning I am doing something along those same lines... I am reaching out to someone to pass on some information.
No one reading would really understand how this person helped me when I was so sick a few years ago. So, I am not going to try and explain it in this morning's blog. Suffice it to say that I honestly believe that this person's help was nothing less than lifesaving and I am grateful.
Since I decided to do a juice fast I have been reading a lot about it online and from many different sources, and the ways in which it can help a person. With that thought in mind I want to recommend to everyone reading this... and especially to my friend, a movie I watched (twice) last night. The movie was produced by a man named Joe Cross and it is called: FAT, SICK & NEARLY DEAD. I found the movie, especially for a documentary, to be entertaining. I also thought it was inspirational, especially as it related to a poor and grossly overweight truck driver. (His story alone is worth watching the movie.) However, even beyond the movie being entertaining and inspirational... it was also informative. In addition, I believe that for some people who might watch it and then incorporate at least some of what is being taught into their daily lives... well, it might be life-changing, and for the better.
As I watched the movie I began to think about my friend and their particular illness... auto-immune. As a Christian who believes God created all things... I believe that everything we need to heal our bodies is found in nature and has been provided by God. While it is true that modern man has been able to replicate and chemically copy many drugs in labs today and they no longer need the plant itself... it does not alter the fact that these drugs WERE PLANT-BASED IN THE BEGINNING. There are many great websites which track modern drugs from their original herbal beginnings to the shelf at your local pharmacy... I am providing a link below to just one of them to give everyone an idea that God gave the answer to our needs in what grows from the ground and what we are supposed to ingest... plant-based diets. However, because of the society we live in we make ourselves sick with our excesses and eating and drinking things which God never intended. Anyway... now that we are sick, there are still answers to our healing found in getting back to what He first provided to make us well.
Okay... that is my attempt to reach out to someone from my past and I hope (and sincerely pray) that it works and they find this information helpful and useful in their healing.
Tomorrow afternoon I return to work... ugh! This will certainly pose some logistical problems as it is nigh to impossible to juice in advance and just carry it along as many of the important nutrients found in the drink is lost soon after juicing. That is why a person needs to drink what is juiced immediately. Anyway... where there is a will, there must be a way... so, I will figure something out.
On my second day I started using some recipes I found online and in a book. I have to admit that these tasted better than my own recipes from the first day. Of course, my own recipes only consisted of shoving anything and everything I thought sounded good through the chute on the juicer. Anyway... to everyone who is now doing this, or might try it in the future... happy juicing!
DAY FOUR -- FRIDAY JULY 15 ... 7:07 AM
Not much to report this morning... just more of the same from yesterday. I did get in a 27 mile bike ride after I juiced my breakfast. It took me one hour and fifty-five minutes so you can see I didn't push myself while doing the ride. I am trying to get in a long ride... at least every day I am off work and shorter rides on the days I am working.
If anyone out there who is reading these posts decides to try this juice fast... at least for a few days to see if it helps you... write to me and let me know. (
As of this morning there are now several people in my immediate family who are "juicing" and LOVING IT! Alright, I admit that "loving it" part is a lie! But, already every single person on it are seeing some good and positive results... at least once they are past the headaches within the first 24-48 hours. I will (at least for me) give you an update on my total weight loss while doing this after my tenth day. When I started this I was at 227.1 and my goal is to reach 180 pounds. Now, with the remaining part of this blog I will tell you why it is not good to brag.
Several months ago I had gone to my dentist for a scheduled cleaning. When I left the office I said (bragged) that I didn't have any cavities and that as of that time I had never had a cavity in my life.
A few days ago I had an awful pain in my jaw that ran down into my neck... it hurt like a "toothache." The problem is that if you have never had a toothache before it is hard to know what that is supposed to be like? Anyway, I called my dentist and scheduled an appointment. My appointment was early yesterday morning. After an x-ray he gave me the bad news... I not only had one cavity, I had two! They were side by side and though they appeared small... the one tooth he filled easily... but, the other one he said that the cavity went down into the nerves and that one would have to come out! WHAT??? Me, who had just a few months before bragged that I had never had a cavity now had TWO... and one of them had to come out!!! Anyway... to bring this tired, sad, story to a conclusion... I now have only 31 teeth and I am missing the first posterior molar on the bottom left side of my jaw. I think I want my tooth back... this morning I am sort of missing the little guy!
Although, I have to admit that it is sort of fun for me to try and run my tongue over the spot where my little friend used to live. I know... I find the oddest things to enjoy. I suppose that I amuse easily (:
DAY SIX -- SUNDAY JULY 17... 7:55 AM
Not much to report this morning. Because of yesterday's blog about my lost tooth I did get an email from a reader I hadn't heard from in several years. She really knew how to make me feel bad.
She simply wanted to know if the tooth fairy left any money under my pillow? Because the answer to her question was... "no" that got me to thinking. I mean, how bad does a person have to be if even the tooth-fairy has forgotten you? Thanks... thanks a lot. I was bummed out for the rest of the day, apparently my life sucks.
I have only 31 teeth left in my head... I am drinking juice and pretending like it's real food... AND... AND... I have now been abandoned by one of the least of all known fictional characters, the lowly tooth fairy. About 20 years ago the Sandman kicked me out of bed and I haven't slept a complete night through since then... now this. What's next? Will Santa not visit me in December?
The only thing to say this morning is that I believe the most dramatic weight loss results from juicing must only happen if you are able to do it all the way. That is... not also allow for an in between meal while at work. Because the results I am having are typical of just exercising and counting calories. Nonetheless... it still must be healthier than eating regular meals.
I can tell you that I saw a pretty funny movie yesterday... Zoo-keeper with Kevin James. Now, some of the humor was typical for an Adam Sandler movie... but, there were several laugh out loud scenes in it as well! Also, for any reading this who might be curious... no popcorn, candy, or drinks were ingested by me while at the movies (:
I will add two more days to this blog... then, on Friday I will report on weight loss with a new blog at that time. Missy is coming over this morning and we will have a juice breakfast together. She has found a particular fruit "juice" she has experimented with and she likes it and I am going to try it as well.
As I had reported in another blog I believe for the greatest weight loss a person would have to "juice" exclusively for at least ten day periods of time... maybe more? However, apart from that I do believe there is one benefit I have found for myself while doing this. I can't say exactly that I am sleeping longer... but, I do feel more rested when I awake. Perhaps, I am sleeping more soundly for the time that I am asleep?
Tomorrow will be my last day for the first section of ten days of trying to drink most of my foods from a juice processor. For Friday morning's blog I will begin a new post rather than adding to this one. At that time I will also give an update of my progress in losing weight while attempting this.
So far... only "day one" and yesterday was I able to juice exclusively. I had already written that I had found it problematic to try and juice while at work because you can't really juice at home and then take the drinks with you because (almost) immediately they begin to lose much of their nutrients.
Yesterday though I thought I would try and find a juice-bar nearby where I work so I could drive there during lunch. I couldn't find any that were close enough but I was able to buy two drinks from a special section in Meijer's where they sell only juices that are natural, fresh, and with no preservatives added. I found one drink from the Naked Juice Company called "Blue Machine" and it contained only the juice from 27 blueberries, 3 blackberries, one banana, and 3 and 1/4 apples. I also found a "protein-monster" drink from a company called Odwalla. Anyway... as far as being somewhat natural and good for you that is about the best I can do away from home and short of an actual juice-bar.
Well, it's either very early... or very late: take your pick. I am off work today... yayyy! For tomorrow's blog I will begin a new one with an update on weight lost so far on this (mostly) juice meals, but not all juice of course.
This evening after work I rode for awhile and I am planning a long ride in the morning about six a.m. I want to awake early and get my riding in before the oppressive heat of the day begins in earnest. Before turning in though I will tell you a little about another movie I finshed watching a few minutes ago. It is called The Adjustment Bureau and it was pretty good. I like movies, and probably for the same reason that most people do... escapism. They are fun to watch, especially the ones where you feel you can (in some aspect) relate to them. I suppose that before tonight I thought there were certain aspects of my life which was similar to a movie called Serendipity. After tonight it makes more sense for me to imagine this one instead. At times it honestly has felt as if I am only a puppet and someone far more powerful is pulling the strings as I dance merrily along. Yep, I think that's me... so close, yet so far away.
Update on Audrey, Sons-in-law... Youth Shall Be Served
Tuesday, July 5, 2011 8:55 am
Audrey is home and doing well with her meds. I was watching her yesterday and even though she has been through a lot... she seems like a happy little baby! Sometimes life does not seem very fair... at least when you see what some children have to go through. Yet, she appears to be taking everything in stride and is smiling most of the time.
I had fun yesterday and early this morning but I am reminded again that time and age does take its toll. The things I could so very easily do only a handful of years ago are now much harder. I'll give you just two examples.

(Photo taken July 4th, 2011)
Last evening, after an enjoyable afternoon at Tammy and Bob's as all of the family celebrated the fourth of July, Roger (Steph's husband) asked me if I wanted to go bike riding with him? He has two bikes... one is a 1,300 cc and the other is a 750 Kawasaki. The reason he asked me to ride is that his smaller bike is for sale and a guy had just sent him a text and was coming to see it and Roger knew he was interested and he might not have it beyond that evening.
As a young boy and then into adulthood I had always loved riding motorcycles... but, I hadn't ridden one on the streets or highways since I was in my early 30's... a very long time ago! Roger knew a country road in Charlestown that is fun to ride a bike on so we rode out to it. This is one of those “ribbon-roads” with several “s” turns and he was right... it is a fun road to take a bike over, and from start to finish we rode about 40 miles.
I suppose the saying is true that once you know how to ride a bike you never forget: however, I was still quite rusty. Everyone who has ever ridden a bike knows it is much less about steering and more about leaning. Yet, for the life of me I was having trouble on all turns to my left and I was having to quickly gear down and apply brakes on all of those turns. Inexplicably... all switches to my right I found it was still like it was for me as a younger man and I could lay the bike over and keep the throttle open. The left-and-right turns were about evenly numbered so Roger was easily losing me on the “s” turns and then I would have to open the throttle up and attempt to catch him as the road straightened out. Although, even then I wouldn't have caught him unless he allowed me to as he is a more skilled rider and has a more powerful bike. All-in-all I had a very fun ride with him and it brought back a lot of memories of my youth and all the promises that such a thought at one time held. So, Roger, if you read this... I had fun!
For any who knows my wife and how timid she is about most things I will tell you one thing you would probably not guess about her... she used to ride with me on the back of my bikes when we were young. That all came to an abrupt end one day in Charleston, West Virginia. She was several months into her pregnancy with Steph and she was riding on the back of a (“smokin' hot”) solid black bike I owned and we were riding down MacCorkle Avenue and (thankfully) I was not flying along that day. I was keeping up with traffic only so we were doing maybe 55-60 when my rear tire blew out. We skidded along for a while but I was able to keep it upright and I got it off the highway. Anyway... surprise! That was her last trip on a motorcycle with me.
Then, this morning I rode a different kind of bike with Bob (Tammy's husband) as I rode a ten-speed and Bob rode his 18-speed bike. I left the house riding my bike to meet him at 4:33 this morning and I got in my third longest ride to date... 33 miles. (On June 16, I rode for 39 miles and on June 23, I rode my farthest so far on my bike 42.5 miles.) This morning at the 25 mile split Bob and I had done that time in one hour and 41 minutes for an average speed of 14.75 mph.
I was glad for the chance to ride with Bob this morning as I haven't been able to do that before because he has been in training for his iron-man competition and frankly I would have held him back. In his training rides he averages about 5 miles an hour faster than what we rode this morning and I could not average those speeds for long periods of time. Because his race is this Saturday in Muncie, Indiana he has basically finished his training and he is now only taking shorter and slower rides so his legs will be fresh for the race. Although, this morning I did feel a lot like Lance Armstrong: of course, minus his youth, looks, build, wealth, fame, etc. etc. etc. The one way I did feel like him was that I rode directly behind Bob and very close, thereby allowing me to draft behind him and I let him do the hard work of breaking down the wind and making it easier for me to pedal along. And believe me... that is no small thing. Drafting behind team-mates is one of the things that made Lance the winner that he was. Now that I think about it this morning I should have worn my yellow biking shirt as I do have one. I mean, had I done that I am quite sure all onlookers would have thought Lance was in the Jeffersonville area this morning. Instead, I was decked out in shorts and an old grey tee shirt that says “Property Of My Grandkids.” across the front of it.
The morning of June 23rd when I rode the 42.5 miles there were strong storms predicted for the early afternoon and all morning long we were getting strong winds and I fought them all the way out. I thought that going back home they would be behind me and make my ride home easier. However, at my turning point and going back home they were STILL in my face and I thought how in the world is it possible to have the same head winds both ways? Anyway... it was definitely a help to me this morning to have Bob ride point and therefore make my ride that much easier. So, Bob, if you are reading this... I had fun!
Now, if memory serves... I have another daughter and another son-in-law. (Missy, and her husband... Brian.) Now, I know Brian has a bike... but, been there and done that. I don't think he has a motorcycle? Even if he does I have recently done that also. I do recall though a very fast speed boat that I like to drive, or tube behind... or even ski. So, Brian, if you are reading this I am waiting for my invitation to the river! Seriously... c'mon.